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ASP MD5加密算法

来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 12/10/17

const modulus_bits = 512
const congruent_bits = 448

lmessagelength = len(smessage)

lnumberofwords = (((lmessagelength + ((modulus_bits - congruent_bits) \ bits_to_a_byte)) \ (modulus_bits \ bits_to_a_byte)) + 1) * (modulus_bits \ bits_to_a_word)
redim lwordarray(lnumberofwords - 1)

lbyteposition = 0
lbytecount = 0
do until lbytecount >= lmessagelength
lwordcount = lbytecount \ bytes_to_a_word
lbyteposition = (lbytecount mod bytes_to_a_word) * bits_to_a_byte
lwordarray(lwordcount) = lwordarray(lwordcount) or lshift(asc(mid(smessage, lbytecount + 1, 1)), lbyteposition)
lbytecount = lbytecount + 1

lwordcount = lbytecount \ bytes_to_a_word
lbyteposition = (lbytecount mod bytes_to_a_word) * bits_to_a_byte

lwordarray(lwordcount) = lwordarray(lwordcount) or lshift(&h80, lbyteposition)

lwordarray(lnumberofwords - 2) = lshift(lmessagelength, 3)
lwordarray(lnumberofwords - 1) = rshift(lmessagelength, 29)

converttowordarray = lwordarray
end function

private function wordtohex(lvalue)
dim lbyte
dim lcount

for lcount = 0 to 3
lbyte = rshift(lvalue, lcount * bits_to_a_byte) and m_lonbits(bits_to_a_byte - 1)
wordtohex = wordtohex & right("0" & hex(lbyte), 2)
end function

public function md5(smessage)
m_lonbits(0) = clng(1)
m_lonbits(1) = clng(3)
m_lonbits(2) = clng(7)
m_lonbits(3) = clng(15)
m_lonbits(4) = clng(31)
m_lonbits(5) = clng(63)
m_lonbits(6) = clng(127)
m_lonbits(7) = clng(255)
m_lonbits(8) = clng(511)
m_lonbits(9) = clng(1023)
m_lonbits(10) = clng(2047)
m_lonbits(11) = clng(4095)
m_lonbits(12) = clng(8191)
m_lonbits(13) = clng(16383)
m_lonbits(14) = clng(32767)
m_lonbits(15) = clng(65535)
m_lonbits(16) = clng(131071)
m_lonbits(17) = clng(262143)
m_lonbits(18) = clng(524287)
m_lonbits(19) = clng(1048575)
m_lonbits(20) = clng(2097151)
m_lonbits(21) = clng(4194303)
m_lonbits(22) = clng(8388607)
m_lonbits(23) = clng(16777215)
m_lonbits(24) = clng(33554431)
m_lonbits(25) = clng(67108863)
m_lonbits(26) = clng(134217727)
m_lonbits(27) = clng(268435455)
m_lonbits(28) = clng(536870911)
m_lonbits(29) = clng(1073741823)
m_lonbits(30) = clng(2147483647)

m_l2power(0) = clng(1)
m_l2power(1) = clng(2)
m_l2power(2) = clng(4)
m_l2power(3) = clng(8)
m_l2power(4) = clng(16)
m_l2power(5) = clng(32)
m_l2power(6) = clng(64)
m_l2power(7) = clng(128)
m_l2power(8) = clng(256)
m_l2power(9) = clng(512)
m_l2power(10) = clng(1024)
m_l2power(11) = clng(2048)
m_l2power(12) = clng(4096)
m_l2power(13) = clng(8192)
m_l2power(14) = clng(16384)
m_l2power(15) = clng(32768)
m_l2power(16) = clng(65536)
m_l2power(17) = clng(131072)
m_l2power(18) = clng(262144)
m_l2power(19) = clng(524288)
m_l2power(20) = clng(1048576)
m_l2power(21) = clng(2097152)
m_l2power(22) = clng(4194304)
m_l2power(23) = clng(8388608)
m_l2power(24) = clng(16777216)
m_l2power(25) = clng(33554432)
m_l2power(26) = clng(67108864)
m_l2power(27) = clng(134217728)
m_l2power(28) = clng(268435456)
m_l2power(29) = clng(536870912)
m_l2power(30) = clng(1073741824)

dim x
dim k
dim aa
dim bb
dim cc

  • 上一篇资讯: ASP无组件生成BMP验证码
  • 下一篇资讯: ASP模拟MVC模式编程
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