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当前位置: 网学 > 编程文档 > ASP > 正文


来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/11



摘  要
为了加强对学生选课的规范管理,减轻教学管理人员的工作量, 同时更好地利用网络和信息化手段做到对学生选课工作更及时和更规范,系统设计开发了基于B/S模式的学生在线选课系统。该系统从学生网上自主选课,以及教师的课程发布两个大方面进行设计,实现了学生的在线信息查询、选课功能以及教务处对课程信息发布的管理等功能。系统开发采用B/S结构,前台用Dreamweaver 8进行页面制作,后台由SQL Server 2000数据库支持,通过使用ASP语言实现动态网页,达到对数据库的操作以完成使用者的要求。通过这个系统可以有效的实现学生网上选课。该系统开发采用软件工程的方法,以主流技术开发了网上选课系统。


The realization of the online course-choosing system based on B/S structure
With development of the Internet, the influence of application of multimedia and Internet for instruction is evident more and more. Universities introduce "the digitization" to the school everyday work and life such as teaching, scientific research, management and information sharing and so on, and the universities establish platform of information management by computer network communication and serves, and will be use for support teaching, research and management activities and so on.
In order to strengthen the standard management of course-choosing, reduce the teaching administer work, simultaneously use the network and the in formalization method well, achieve to student''s course-choosing work is prompt and standard, this system is developed for the online course-choosing system based on the B/S pattern. This system is developed for the on-line course choosing to design both for students and the teachers. The student can choose the course independently and the teacher can manage the information of the announcing course, also. The system has two basic functions, one for student choosing courses, another for teachers posting courses, and it can be basically used for the on-line information searching. The form is made by Dream weaver 8, the database is built by SQL Server 2000 and the active website is made by using the ASP language. The system can effectively realize students'' course-choosing. The system develop is adopt the process of software engineering methods and the Mainstream Technologies in the system developing.

Key words: Course-choosing; Announcing the course information; ASP

目  录

1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本课题研究的意义 1
1.4 本课题的研究方法 1
2 系统需求分析 2
2.1 课题的可行性分析 2
2.2 系统需求分析 2
2.3 系统采用的技术和方案 3
3 系统规划与设计 8
3.1 系统流程概述 8
3.2 系统模块划分 8
3.3 系统流程图 9
3.4 数据库的概念设计 11
3.5 数据库的逻辑设计 14
4 软件设计与实施 17
4.1 系统总体设计框架 17
4.2 登陆模块 17
4.3 查看课程信息模块 19
4.4 课程信息管理模块 20
4.5 课程查询模块 21
5 调试和测试 22
5.1 测试环境 22
5.2 测试的项目 22
5.3 结果的分析与总结 22
结    论 23
参考文献 24
致    谢 25
声    明 26

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