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来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 13/06/17
(strTemp = 39048) Then
ReadAlpha = "J-Z"
ElseIf (strTemp >= 49062 And strTemp <= 49323) Or (strTemp = 65611) Or (strTemp = 65643) Then
ReadAlpha = "K-Z"
ElseIf (strTemp >= 49324 And strTemp <= 49895) Or (strTemp >= 58838 And strTemp <= 58838) Or (strTemp = 65612) Or (strTemp = 65644) Or (strTemp = 62418) Or (strTemp = 48739) Then
ReadAlpha = "L-Z"
ElseIf (strTemp >= 49896 And strTemp <= 50370) Or (strTemp = 65613) Or (strTemp = 65645) Then
ReadAlpha = "M-Z"
ElseIf (strTemp >= 50371 And strTemp <= 50613) Or (strTemp = 65614) Or (strTemp = 65646) Then
ReadAlpha = "N-Z"
ElseIf (strTemp >= 50614 And strTemp <= 50621) Or (strTemp = 65615) Or (strTemp = 65647) Then
ReadAlpha = "O-Z"
ElseIf (strTemp >= 50622 And strTemp <= 50905) Or (strTemp = 65616) Or (strTemp = 65648) Then
ReadAlpha = "P-Z"
ElseIf (strTemp >= 50906 And strTemp <= 51386) Or (strTemp >= 62659 And strTemp <= 63172) Or (strTemp = 65617) Or (strTemp = 65649) Then
ReadAlpha = "Q-Z"
ElseIf (strTemp >= 51387 And strTemp <= 51445) Or (strTemp = 65618) Or (strTemp = 65650) Then
ReadAlpha = "R-Z"
ElseIf (strTemp >= 51446 And strTemp <= 52217) Or (strTemp = 65619) Or (strTemp = 65651) Or (strTemp = 34009) Then
ReadAlpha = "S-Z"
ElseIf (strTemp >= 52218 And strTemp <= 52697) Or (strTemp = 65620) Or (strTemp = 65652) Then
ReadAlpha = "T-Z"
ElseIf (strTemp = 65621) Or (strTemp = 65653) Then
ReadAlpha = "U-Z"
ElseIf (strTemp = 65622) Or (strTemp = 65654) Then
ReadAlpha = "V-Z"
ElseIf (strTemp >= 52698 And strTemp <= 52979) Or (strTemp = 65623) Or (strTemp = 65655) Then
ReadAlpha = "W-Z"
ElseIf (strTemp >= 52980 And strTemp <= 53688) Or (strTemp = 65624) Or (strTemp = 65656) Then
ReadAlpha = "X-Z"
ElseIf (strTemp >= 53689 And strTemp <= 54480) Or (strTemp = 65625) Or (strTemp = 65657) Then
ReadAlpha = "Y-Z"
ElseIf (strTemp >= 54481 And strTemp <= 62383 And strTemp <> 59112 And strTemp <> 58838) Or (strTemp = 65626) Or (strTemp = 65658) Or (strTemp = 38395) Or (strTemp = 39783) Then
ReadAlpha = "Z-Z"
ReadAlpha = "A-9"
End If
If (strTemp >= 65633 And strTemp <= 65658) Or (strTemp >= 65601 And strTemp <= 65626) Then ReadAlpha = UCase(Left(str, 1))
If (strTemp >= 65584 And strTemp <= 65593) Then ReadAlpha = "0-9"
End Function
''-- 修正文件路径
Public Function CheckPath(ByVal sPath)
sPath = Trim(sPath)
If Right(sPath, 1) <> "\" And sPath <> "" Then
sPath = sPath & "\"
End If
CheckPath = sPath
End Function
''-- 生成目录
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