A Management System of Personnel and Payroll
The management system of personnel and payroll is practicable information software used for managing personnel records and payroll in enterprises. The use of the software instead the management way of the handicraft may increase the work efficiency and safety, increase the speed and accuracy of information treatment, save the time and amount of labor, and make the management of personnel and payroll systematical, scientific, standardized, and automatic in enterprises. It is the absolutely necessarily management tool for modern enterprises.
The software system was developed using ASP language and Access data, including the management modules of personnel, records, attendance, and payroll. The payroll is related with attendance, incentive, and punishment to generate a comparatively reasonable salary management system for efficient incentive to personnel. Some necessary auxiliary functions, such as the reminding of deadline of contract and birthday of personnel, are set in the software system. It may facilitate the psychological contract between enterprises and personnel encourage personnel to actively devote even more of their efforts in support to enterprises. The software system may realize logging data, inserting data, deleting data, inquiry, counting data, replacing data, and may satisfy the basic requirements in personnel management in enterprises.
Key words: ASP;Access;data base;personnel;Salary
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 系统开发背景 1
1.2 系统研究意义 1
1.3 系统研究方法 1
2 系统需求分析 1
2.1可行性分析 1
2.1.1可行性分析 2
2.1.2 经济可行性 2
2.1.3 操作可行性 2
2.2 系统目标 2
2.3 系统功能需求分析 2
3 数据库设计 3
3.1 数据库表简介 3
3.2 数据库结构设计 3
3.3 数据库连接文件 6
4 系统功能模块详细设计及实现 6
4.1 模块设计 6
4.2 功能模块的说明 7
4.3 系统界面的设计 8
4.3.1 系统登录界面的设计 8
4.3.2 系统主界面的设计 9
4.3.3 系统各模块界面的设计 9
5 系统评价 16
5.1 系统的特点 16
5.2 系统的缺点 17
5.3 将来可能提出的要求 17
结 论 17
参考文献 18
致 谢 19
声 明 20