LoadAnnounceList = strContent
End Function
''作 用:读取公告列表
''参 数:str ----原字符串
Public Function ReadAnnounceList(ByVal str)
Dim strTemp, i
Dim sTempContent, nTempContent, ArrayList
Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents
On Error Resume Next
strTemp = str
If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadAnnounceList(") > 0 Then
sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadAnnounceList(", ")}", 1)
nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadAnnounceList(", ")}", 0)
arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||")
arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||")
For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents)
ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",")
strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadAnnounceList(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4), ArrayList(5), ArrayList(6)))
End If
ReadAnnounceList = strTemp
End Function
''作 用:装载文章
''参 数:ClassID ----分类ID
'' ChannelID ----频道ID
'' sType ----调用文章类型,0=所有最新文章,1=推荐文章,2=热门文章,3=图文文章,4=分类最新文章
'' TopNum ----显示文章列表数
'' strlen ----显示标题长度
'' ShowClass ----是否显示分类
'' ShowPic ----是否显示图文标题
'' ShowDate ----是否显示日期
'' DateMode ----显示日期模式
'' newindow ----新窗口打开
Public Function LoadArticlePic(ChannelID, ClassID, SpecialID, stype, TopNum, PerRowNum, strLen, newindow, width, height, showtopic)
Dim Rs, SQL, i, strContent, foundstr
Dim sTitle, ChildStr, ImageUrl, HtmlFileName
Dim HtmlFileUrl, WriteTime, LinkTarget
ChannelID = Newasp.ChkNumeric(ChannelID)
ClassID = Newasp.ChkNumeric(ClassID)
SpecialID = Newasp.ChkNumeric(SpecialID)
stype = Newasp.ChkNumeric(stype)
On Error Resume Next
If CInt(stype) >= 3 And CLng(ClassID) <> 0 Then
SQL = "SELECT ChildStr FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID=" & ChannelID & " And ClassID=" & ClassID
Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL)
If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then
Set Rs = Nothing
LoadArticlePic = ""
Exit Function
ChildStr = Rs("ChildStr")
End If
Set Rs = Nothing
ChildStr = 0
End If
Select Case CInt(stype)
Case 0: foundstr = "Order By A.Writetime Desc ,A.Articleid Desc"