// GetUserFromReader
// A helper function that takes the current row from the OdbcDataReader
// and hydrates a MembershipUser from the values. Called by the
// MembershipUser.GetUser implementation.
private OdbcMembershipUser GetUserFromReader(OdbcDataReader reader)
object providerUserKey = reader.GetValue(0);
string username = reader.GetString(1);
string email = reader.GetString(2);
string passwordQuestion = "";
if (reader.GetValue(3) != DBNull.Value)
passwordQuestion = reader.GetString(3);
string comment = "";
if (reader.GetValue(4) != DBNull.Value)
comment = reader.GetString(4);
bool isApproved = reader.GetBoolean(5);
bool isLockedOut = reader.GetBoolean(6);
DateTime creationDate = reader.GetDateTime(7);
DateTime lastLoginDate = new DateTime();
if (reader.GetValue(8) != DBNull.Value)
lastLoginDate = reader.GetDateTime(8);
DateTime lastActivityDate = reader.GetDateTime(9);
DateTime lastPasswordChangedDate = reader.GetDateTime(10);
DateTime lastLockedOutDate = new DateTime();
if (reader.GetValue(11) != DBNull.Value)
lastLockedOutDate = reader.GetDateTime(11);
bool isSubscriber = false;
if (reader.GetValue(12) != DBNull.Value)
isSubscriber = reader.GetBoolean(12);
string customerID = String.Empty;
if (reader.GetValue(13) != DBNull.Value)
customerID = reader.GetString(13);
OdbcMembershipUser u = new OdbcMembershipUser(this.Name,