本文主要采用Winsock API实现了一个Tcp服务器。对初学者而言,相当实用。
1、使用vc6向导建立控制台工程(console application),并选择支持MFC。
3、在头文件中加入:#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")。
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])
int nRetCode = 0;
cout << "Press ESCAPE to terminate program\r\n";
AfxBeginThread(ServerThread,0); //启动一条线程
while(_getch()!=27); //用户按ESC键则退出
return nRetCode;
UINT ServerThread(LPVOID pParam)
cout << "Starting up TCP server\r\n";
//A SOCKET is simply a typedef for an unsigned int.
//In Unix, socket handles were just about same as file
//handles which were again unsigned ints.
//Since this cannot be entirely true under Windows
//a new data type called SOCKET was defined.
SOCKET server;
//WSADATA is a struct that is filled up by the call
//to WSAStartup
WSADATA wsaData;
//The sockaddr_in specifies the address of the socket
//for TCP/IP sockets. Other protocols use similar structures.
sockaddr_in local;
//WSAStartup initializes the program for calling WinSock.
//The first parameter specifies the highest version of the
//WinSock specification, the program is allowed to use.
int wsaret=WSAStartup(0x101,&wsaData);
//WSAStartup returns zero on success.
//If it fails we exit.
return 0;
//Now we populate the sockaddr_in structure
local.sin_family=AF_INET; //Address family
local.sin_addr.s_addr=INADDR_ANY; //Wild card IP address
local.sin_port=htons((u_short)8888); //port to use
//the socket function creates our SOCKET
//建立一个tcp socket
//If the socket() function fails we exit
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