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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 14/02/27


           // so we can not continue and should destroy the tree if any part created
            flag_PORT  =   1;
             // get port name
            hr = pIWSDLPort->get_name(&bstrPortName);
            CHECK_HRESULT(hr, "Can not get Port names");

            // add to tree but as a child of SERVICE
            hPORT= AddtoTree(hSERVICE,TVI_SORT,W2A(bstrPortName),TVIF_TEXT,pIWSDLPort);
            if (!hPORT)
                flag = 0;
                goto cleanup;

            hr = pIWSDLPort->GetSoapOperations(&pIEnumWSDLOps);
            CHECK_HRESULT(hr, "Can not get Operations");
            if (!pIEnumWSDLOps)
                MSG("Can not get Operations");

            while((hr = pIEnumWSDLOps->Next(1,&pIOperation, &cFetched)) == S_OK)
             // at least one time this loop should go inside; if it does not, the flag wont be updated
             // so we can not continue and should destroy the tree if any part created
                flag_OPERATION  =   1;

                hr = pIOperation->get_name(&bstrOperationName);
                CHECK_HRESULT(hr, "Can not get Operation names");

                hOPERATION= AddtoTree(hPORT,TVI_SORT,W2A(bstrOperationName),TVIF_TEXT,pIOperation);
                if (!hOPERATION)
                    flag = 0;
                    goto cleanup;
                // we do release by assigning to 0
                pIOperation= 0;
            if (flag_OPERATION == 0)
                flag =0;
                MSG("Could not load  OPERATIONS!");
            //// we do release by assigning to 0
            pIWSDLPort = 0;
        if (flag_PORT == 0)
            flag =0;
            MSG("Could not load  PORTS!");
        //// we do release by assigning to 0
        pIWSDLService = 0;
    if (flag_SERVICE == 0)
        flag =0;
        MSG("Could not load  SERVICE!");


    if (flag == 0)   DestroyTree();

  • 上一篇资讯: 调用webservice(vc5)
  • 下一篇资讯: 调用webservice(vc4)
  • 网学推荐



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