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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/23



摘  要
本系统开发平台选用Visual Studio 2005,后台数据库为SQL Sever 2005 Express。本系统适用于各类型学校的教材科的库存管理工作,可以大大的提高了教材科工作的效率,减少失误。本文将对该系统的设计开发过程和具体功能做详细的介绍。

关键词:教材管理;教材领取;库存管理;ASPNET/ style=text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;color:#2B4DD5; target=_blank>ASP.NET;B/S

The Design and Implementation of the Textbooks Management System
Nowadays, the management of textbook in most schools is still work by hand. This kind of management method is considered to be lack of efficiency.  It wastes vast of human resources and materials. So the traditional systems must be replaced by the information managing systems based on computer.
This system realizes ordering and fetching books for students, teachers and the department of textbooks, retailing books to students, and exchanging books, and damage statistic and counting in ordering books. It provides all sorts of book information for teachers and students.
 This system is developed by the Visual Studio 2005, with backstage support of SQL Server 2005 Express. This system is applicable for maintaining management of the work of textbook department for all types of schools. And it can improve the work efficiency greatly. In this paper the process of development and the function of the system will be introduced in details.

Key words: Textbooks Management; Receive Textbooks; Inventory Management; ASPNET/ style=text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;color:#2B4DD5; target=_blank>ASP.NET  ; B / S

目  录

1 引言 1
2 相关理论基础 1
2.1 B/S结构 1
2.2 ASPNET/ style=text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;color:#2B4DD5; target=_blank>ASP.NET与Visual Studio 2005 2
2.3 SQL与SQL Sever 2005 Express 3
3 需求分析与总体设计方案 4
3.1 系统需求 4
3.1.1 用户角色需求 4
3.1.2 功能需求 4
3.1.3 性能需求 5
3.2 系统层次模块图 5
3.3 系统流程图 5
3.4 数据库设计 6
4 详细设计 9
4.1 主框架 9
4.2 数据操作公共类 9
4.3 登录操作 9
4.4 订书操作 10
4.5 领书操作 12
4.6 报损 换书 零售操作 13
4.7 查询汇总 15
4.8 教材管理 系统管理 16
5 测试 18
结    论 19
参考文献 19
致    谢 20
声    明 21

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