//Then it sends the Current date time to the Client.
public void StartListen()
int iStartPos = 0;
String sRequest;
String sDirName;
String sRequestedFile;
String sErrorMessage;
String sLocalDir;
String sMyWebServerRoot = "C:\\MyWebServerRoot\\";
String sPhysicalFilePath = "";
String sFormattedMessage = "";
String sResponse = "";
//Accept a new connection
Socket mySocket = myListener.AcceptSocket() ;
Console.WriteLine ("Socket Type " + mySocket.SocketType );
Console.WriteLine("\nClient Connected!!\n==================\nCLient IP {0}\n",
mySocket.RemoteEndPoint) ;
//make a byte array and receive data from the client
Byte[] bReceive = new Byte[1024] ;
int i = mySocket.Receive(bReceive,bReceive.Length,0) ;
//Convert Byte to String
string sBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bReceive);
//At present we will only deal with GET type
if (sBuffer.Substring(0,3) != "GET" )
Console.WriteLine("Only Get Method is supported..");
// Look for HTTP request
iStartPos = sBuffer.IndexOf("HTTP",1);
// Get the HTTP text and version e.g. it will return "HTTP/1.1"
string sHttpVersion = sBuffer.Substring(iStartPos,8);
// Extract the Requested Type and Requested file/directory
sRequest = sBuffer.Substring(0,iStartPos - 1);
//Replace backslash with Forward Slash, if Any
//If file name is not supplied add forward slash to indicate
//that it is a directory and then we will look for the
//default file name..
if ((sRequest.IndexOf(".") <1) && (!sRequest.EndsWith("/")))
sRequest = sRequest + "/";
//Extract the requested file name
iStartPos = sRequest.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;
sRequestedFile = sRequest.Substring(iStartPos);
//Extract The directory Name
sDirName = sRequest.Substring(sRequest.IndexOf("/"), sRequest.LastIndexOf("/")-3);
// Identify the Physical Directory
if ( sDirName == "/")
sLocalDir = sMyWebServerRoot;
//Get the Virtual Directory
sLocalDir = GetLocalPath(sMyWebServerRoot, sDirName);
Console.WriteLine("Directory Requested : " + sLocalDir);
//If the physical directory does not exists then
// dispaly the error message
if (sLocalDir.Length == 0 )
sErrorMessage = "<H2>Error!! Requested Directory does not exists</H2><Br>";
//sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage + "Please check data\\Vdirs.Dat";
//Format The Message
SendHeader(sHttpVersion, "", sErrorMessage.Length, " 404 Not Found", ref mySocket);
//Send to the browser
SendToBrowser(sErrorMessage, ref mySocket);
// Identify the File Name
//If The file name is not supplied then look in the default file list
if (sRequestedFile.Length == 0 )
// Get the default filename
sRequestedFile = GetTheDefaultFileName(sLocalDir);
if (sRequestedFile == "")
sErrorMessage = "<H2>Error!! No Default File Name Specified</H2>";
SendHeader(sHttpVersion, "", sErrorMessage.Length, " 404 Not Found", ref mySocket);
SendToBrowser ( sErrorMessage, ref mySocket);
// Get TheMime Type
String sMimeType = GetMimeType(sRequestedFile);
//Build the physical path
sPhysicalFilePath = sLocalDir + sRequestedFile;
Console.WriteLine("File Requested : " + sPhysicalFilePath);
if (File.Exists(sPhysicalFilePath) == false)
sErrorMessage = "<H2>404 Error! File Does Not Exists...</H2>";
SendHeader(sHttpVersion, "", sErrorMessage.Length, " 404 Not Found", ref mySocket);
SendToBrowser( sErrorMessage, ref mySocket);
int iTotBytes=0;
sResponse ="";
FileStream fs = new FileStream(sPhysicalFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
// Create a reader that can read bytes from the FileStream.
BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fs);
byte[] bytes = new byte[fs.Length];
int read;
while((read = reader.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)) != 0)
// Read from the file and write the data to the network
sResponse = sResponse + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes,0,read);
iTotBytes = iTotBytes + read;
SendHeader(sHttpVersion, sMimeType, iTotBytes, " 200 OK", ref mySocket);
SendToBrowser(bytes, ref mySocket);
//mySocket.Send(bytes, bytes.Length,0);