摘 要
在经济全球化和信息技术飞速发展的今天,企业信息化水平的高低是带动企业技术创新和各项工作升级与否的关键。目前,基于B/S (Browser/ Server)模式的MIS(Management information system)日益成熟,企业的Web已从静态的HTML到动态的网页,使系统的开发、管理和维护变得非常方便。因此,本系统研究并开发了基于B/S模式的库存管理信息系统。
库存管理系统是将企业的存和转等企业的经营业务有机的结合起来,达到数据共享、降低成本、提高效率。本系统前台采用.NET,后台数据库采用SQL Server 2000,语言采用C#。本系统实现的主要功能有库存查询、进货作业、领料作业、库存盘点、损坏处理等。在系统完成后对工作进行了总结,对系统功能进行了测试,并指出了系统中的问题和需要改进的地方。
The Design and Implementation of Stock Management Software for Small Business Consumption Material
Nowadays, with the economic globalization and information technology develop rapidly, the lever of enterprise technology is the key to the innovation and upgrading of enterprise technology .Currently, the model of MIS (Management in formation system) which Based on the B / S (Browser / Server) becomes increasingly mature. The enterprise Web has changed from static HTML to dynamic website, with the system of development, management and maintenance becomes more convenient. Therefore, the research and development system has developed stock management information system which based on the B / S mode.
The stock management system is the organic combination of enterprise storage, transfer and other enterprises operating, in order to achieve data sharing, reduce costs and improve efficiency. This system onstage uses NET, the backstage database uses SQL Server 2000 and the language uses C#. The main function includes that: inventory inquiries, wholesale operations, the Material operations, inventory checks, damage processing. After the work and the functional text, the system will point out where needs to be improved.
Key words:B/S, C#, Stock management system, .NET
1 引言 1
1.1 系统的背景和意义 1
1.2 系统设计目标 1
1.3 系统的开发工具 1
1.3.1 开发环境 1
1.3.2 编程运行环境 3
2 系统需求分析 3
2.1 用户身份级别要求 3
2.2 系统功能模块设置 4
3 库存管理系统总体设计 5
3.1 数据库设计 5
3.2 系统模块分析与设计 10
3.3 界面设计 12
3.4 系统流程图 13
4 库存管理系统功能模块的具体实现 14
4.1 系统主要功能模块的实现及部分代码 14
4.1.1 用户注册和登录界面 14
4.1.2 进货作业 15
4.1.3 库存盘点 19
4.2系统实现的关键技术 20
4.2.1 数据库的连接技术 20
5 系统功能的测试与分析 22
5.1 用户注册功能测试与分析 22
5.2 进货作业功能测试与分析 24
5.3 库存盘点功能测试与分析 25
结 论 27
参考文献 27
致 谢 28
声 明 29