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AJAX 图片展示框架56个 提升开发效率第1/2页

来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 13/07/12

文章导读:在新的一年中,各位网友都进入紧张的学习或是工作阶段。网学的各位小编整理了Ajax-AJAX 图片展示框架56个 提升开发效率第1/2页的相关内容供大家参考,祝大家在新的一年里工作和学习顺利!

动态图片展示一方面能使用AJAX或Flash实现图片数据的异步获取,减少浏览的等待时间;一方面使用JavaScript+CSS定制友好的用户体验模式,是图片展览web应用程序开发的一大利器。这里收集的框架都是经过测试可用的,描述大多是各框架主页上的介绍,来不及翻译(有些是西班牙语的 @_@),主要收集来源为欧美和台湾的一些社区和博客,希望大家也能将自己收集的好框架拿出来一起分享!

Ajax Image Galleries & Lightboxes

  1. Minishowcase
    Minishowcase is a small and simple php/javascript online photo gallery, powered by AJAX/JSON that lets you put easily your images in an online gallery, without having to configure databases or changing and customising code (though you may do it if you feel so) allowing to have an up-and-running gallery in a few minutes.
  2. JonDesign''s SmoothGallery
    Unlike other systems out there, JonDesign''s SmoothGallery is designed from the ground up to be standard compliant: You can feed it from any document, using custom css selectors. And even better, this solutions is very lightweight: The javascript file is only 16kb.
  3. Ajax Photo Gallery
    The AJAX version of AgileGallery is a free AJAX photo gallery that rips through the XML output from Picasa (a free download from google) and generates DHTML for the paging and thumbnails and displays the full sized photos along with any description entered in Picasa. Since this photo gallery uses AJAX technology, it eliminates the need for any page refresh as the user pages through the photos.
  4. Pyxy-gallery
    Pyxy-gallery is an AJAX image gallery in PHP and JavaScript, which optionally uses lightbox.js. It is designed to be an ultra-light-weight, “drop-in” image gallery.
  5. zenphoto
    Zenphoto is an answer to lots of calls for an online gallery solution that just makes sense. After years of bloated software that does everything and your dishes, zenphoto just shows your photos, simply. It''s got all the functionality and “features” you need, and nothing you don''t. Where the old guys put in a bunch of modules and junk, we put a lot of thought. We hope you agree with our philosopy: simpler is better.
  6. Couloir.org: Resizing, Fading Slideshow Demo - AJAX Slideshow
    This photo slideshow is a demonstration of Flash-like behavior implemented solely in Javascript, HTML, and CSS. The code is offered as-is — Couloir.org offers no technical support. However, you are permitted to use it on your own project so long as you do so according to the rules outlined in the Creative Commons ‘Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0′ License and the license terms contained in the associated, third-party APIs.
  7. Grey Box
    A pop-up window that doesn''t suck. GreyBox can be used to display websites, images and other content in a beautiful way.
  8. Lightbox2
    Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It''s a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers.
  9. Litebox
    Litebox is a modified version of Lightbox v2.0 created with one thing in mind, size reduction. Litebox utilizes the 3kb javascript library moo.fx in association with prototype.lite, givin




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