protected void toolBar_ButtonClick(Object sender, ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs
e) {
// Evaluate the Button property to determine which button was clicked.
switch (toolBar.Buttons.IndexOf(e.Button)) {
case 1:
MessageBox.Show("Second button.", "The Event Information");
case 2:
MessageBox.Show("third button", "The Event Information");
case 3:
MessageBox.Show("fourth button.", "The Event Information");
protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e) {
MessageBox.Show("Exit now.", "The Event Information");
附录 Listing 1. C# Windows 应用程序
to compile this source file, type
csc MyWinApp.cs
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.ComponentModel;
public class MyWinApp: Form {
Label label = new Label();
Button button = new Button();
TreeView tree = new TreeView();
ImageList imageList = new ImageList();
static String imageFolder = "Images" +
// -------------- Images declarations ------------------------------------
Image newFileImage = new Bitmap(imageFolder + "newFile.bmp");
Image openFileImage = new Bitmap(imageFolder + "openFile.gif");
Image saveFileImage = new Bitmap(imageFolder + "saveFile.bmp");
Image printImage = new Bitmap(imageFolder + "print.gif");
// -------------- End of Images declaration
// -------------- menu ------------------------------------
MainMenu mainMenu = new MainMenu();
MenuItem fileMenuItem = new MenuItem();
MenuItem fileNewMenuItem;
MenuItem fileOpenMenuItem;
MenuItem fileSaveMenuItem;
MenuItem fileSaveAsMenuItem;
MenuItem fileMenuWithSubmenu;
MenuItem submenuMenuItem;
MenuItem fileExitMenuItem;
// -------------- End of menu ------------------------------------
// -------------- Toolbar ------------------------------------
ToolBar toolBar = new ToolBar();
ToolBarButton separatorToolBarButton = new ToolBarButton();
ToolBarButton newToolBarButton = new ToolBarButton();
ToolBarButton openToolBarButton = new ToolBarButton();
ToolBarButton saveToolBarButton = new ToolBarButton();
ToolBarButton printToolBarButton = new ToolBarButton();
// -------------- End of Toolbar ------------------------------------
// -------------- StatusBar ------------------------------------
StatusBar statusBar = new StatusBar();
StatusBarPanel statusBarPanel1 = new StatusBarPanel();
StatusBarPanel statusBarPanel2 = new StatusBarPanel();
// -------------- End of StatusBar ------------------------------------
public MyWinApp() {
private void InitializeComponent() {
this.Text = "My Windows Application";
this.Icon = new Icon(imageFolder + "applicationLogo.ic