p; }
Length: word; { data length }
CallName: TNBName; { name to call }
Name: TNBName; { our own name }
RTO: byte; { receive time-out }
STO: byte; { send time-out }
Post_Offs:word; { asynch notification routine offset }
Post_Seg: word; { asynch notification routine segment}
PostPrc: TNCBPostProc;{ asynch notification routine (nb30) }
Lana_Num: byte; { adapter number }
Cmd_Cplt: byte; { command completion flag }
Reserved: array[0..9] of byte; { Reserverd for Bios use }
Event: THandle; { WIN32 event handle to be signalled }
{ for asynch cmd completion }
Reserved: array[0..13] of byte; { Reserved }
{ Netbios Name Info record }
PNameInfo = ^TNameInfo;
TNameInfo = packed record { name info record }
Name: TNBName; { netbios name }
NameNum:byte; { name number }
NameSt: byte; &