p; { ti time_outs }
Resvd1: LongInt;
Free_Ncbs:word; { number of free ncb''s }
Cfg_Ncbs: word; { number of configured ncb''s }
max_Ncbs: word; { max ncb''s used }
NoTxmBuf: word; { number of ''no transmit buffer''}
MaxDGSize:word; { max. datagram size }
Pend_Ses: word; { number of pending sessions }
Cfg_Ses: word; { number of configured sessions }
Max_Ses: word; { max sessions used }
Max_SPSz: word; { max. session packet size }
nNames: word; { number of names in local table}
Names: array[0..15] of TnameInfo; { local name table }
Structure returned to the NCB command NCBSSTAT is SESSION_HEADER fo
by an array of SESSION_BUFFER structures. If the NCB_NAME starts wi
th an
asterisk then an array of these structures is returned containing t
status for all names.
{ session header }
PSession_Header = ^TSession_Header;
TSession_Header = packed record
sess_name: byte;
num_sess: byte;
rcv_dg_outstanding: byte;
rcv_any_outstanding: byte;
{ session buffer }
PSession_Buffer = ^TSession_Buffer;
TSession_Buffer = packed record