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当前位置: 网学 > 编程文档 > DELPHI > 正文
来源:Http:// 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 12/10/12
: TStrings; const Image: LoadedImage ) ;
Begin { DumpExportDirectory }
Assert( Assigned( lines ));

lines.add( ''Dump of IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY'' );
lines.add( format(''Characteristics: %d'',
lines.add( format(''TimeDateStamp: %d'',
lines.add( format(''Version: %d.%d'',
lines.add( format(''Name (RVA): %x'',
lines.add( format(''Name (translated): %s'',
[RVAToPchar(, Image )]));
lines.add( format(''Base: %d'',
lines.add( format(''NumberOfFunctions: %d'',
lines.add( format(''NumberOfNames: %d'',
lines.add( format(''AddressOfFunctions (RVA): %p'',
lines.add( format(''AddressOfNames (RVA): %p'',
lines.add( format(''AddressOfNameOrdinals (RVA): %p'',
End; { DumpExportDirectory }

| Function RVAToPointer
| Parameters :
| rva : a relative virtual address to translate
| Image : LOADED_IMAGE structure for the image the RVA relates to
| Returns : translated address
| Description:
| Uses the ImageRVAToVA function to translate the RVA to a virtual
| address.
| Error Conditions:
| Will raise an exception if the translation failed
| Created: 9.1.2000 by P. Below
Function RVAToPointer( rva : DWORD ; const Image : LoadedImage ) : Pointer;
pDummy: PImageSectionHeader;
Begin { RVAToPchar }
pDummy := nil;
Result :=
ImageRvaToVa( Image.FileHeader, Image.MappedAddress, rva,
pDummy );
If Result = Nil Then
End; { RVAToPointer }

| Function RVAToPchar
| Parameters :
| rva : a relative virtual address to translate
| Image : LOADED_IMAGE structure for the image the RVA relates to
| Returns : translated address
| Description:
| Uses the RVAToPointer function to translate the RVA to a virtual
| address. Note that we do not check that the address does indeed point
| to a zero-terminated string!
| Error Conditions:
| Will raise an exception if the translation failed
| Created: 9.1.2000 by P. Below
Function RVAToPchar( rva : DWORD ; const Image : LoadedImage ) : PChar ;
Begin { RVAToPchar }
Result := RVAToPointer( rva, image );
End; { RVAToPchar }


  • 上一篇资讯: 实现高速文件拷贝
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