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J2ME手机游戏的开发-Beckham Goal

来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/19

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摘  要
J2ME(Java 2 Micro Edition)是近年来随着各种不同设备,尤其是移动通信设备的飞速发展而诞生的一项新的开发技术。它定位在消费性电子产品的应用上,对设备的智能化、多样化,提供了革命性的解决方案,并因其“Write Once, run anywhere”的Java特性而提高开发的效率。随着手机的日益普及、Java功能在移动设备上的实现,Java应用程序产生的手机增值服务逐渐体现出其影响力,对丰富人们的生活内容、提供快捷的资讯起着不可忽视的作用。本论文着眼于J2ME技术的应用,开发一款简单的手机游戏程序--Beckham Goal。 论文在分析了实现小游戏的相关基础技术及理论后,对该游戏进行了功能需求分析、模块划分及总体设计,解决了游戏中涉及的碰撞检查以及其他若干关键技术,最后在J2ME平台下实现了该小游戏,并通过验证达到预期的效果。

关键词:J2ME;手机游戏; K-Java;碰撞检查

The Development of J2ME Mobilephone Game
-Beckham Goal
As a new development technology, J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) emerged with the development of various communications equipments, especially mobile facilities. Since it is a kind consumption-oriented of electronic product, it offers a completely new solution to the intelligentization and diversification of communications equipments. Besides, due to its feature of “Write Once, run anywhere”, it improves the efficiency of development. Along with the popularization of mobile phone and the application of Java to the mobile equipments, gradually the influence of mobilephone''s added-value service is shown, which is produced by the application of Java to the daily life and informing. This paper focuses on the application of J2ME and develops a mobilephone game-Beckham Goal. Based on the analysis of basic technique and theories, this paper conducts analysis of function demand and module measurement as well as macro-design. As a result, this paper solves the conflict detection and some other key technique. Finally this paper successfully develops this mobilephone by use of J2ME. And then the anticipative purpose has been met after the validation.

Key words: J2ME; Mobilephone game;K-Java; Conflict Detection

目  录

1 引言 1
1.1 手机游戏概述 1
1.2 Java手机游戏的发展现状 1
1.3 手机游戏的发展前景 2
2 J2ME的概述与相关理论基础 3
2.1 J2ME的简介 3
2.2 J2ME的构架 3
2.3 J2ME游戏开发基础相关 4
2.3.1 基于精灵的动画 4
2.3.2 GameCanvas类来实现平稳动画 4
2.3.3 图形坐标 5
2.3.4 检测对象之间的冲突 5
2.4 常用开发工具及其配置与使用 5
3 需求分析与设计方案 6
3.1 需求分析 6
3.2 设计方案 7
3.3 游戏初步功能设计 8
4 游戏的设计流程以及实现 9
4.1 游戏的设计 9
4.2 游戏的实现 10
4.2.1. 图像和精灵的创建和绘制 10
4.2.2. 玩家按键移动的设置 11
4.2.3. 胜利及失败的判定 13
4.2.4. 球员运动轨迹的设置 15
4.2.5. 游戏中分数的记录 16
4.3 碰撞冲突机制的实现 20
5 系统测试 20
结    论 22
参考文献 23
致    谢 24
声    明 25

J2ME手机游戏的开发-Beckham Goal......
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