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当前位置: 网学 > 编程文档 > JAVA > 正文


来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/19



摘  要
本系统是以Browser rver(浏览器/服务器)结构和JSP语言及SQL Server2000数据库和TOMCAT作为服务器开发的。在登陆中运用了图片验证防止暴力破解,在数据库中的密码运用MD5加密算法,以增加安全性。系统语言为Html和Java,移植性好,每块代码都分包存放,易于维护。
关键词:JAVA;SQL Server2000;TOMCAT;Browser rver;管理系统

Design and Implementation of the Management System for College Student
As for the development of information technology and economic, computer and networking applications become increasingly common. With the school informational construction inputs are constantly increasing, the construction of campus network accesses to space development. Networks have gradually infiltrated into the school management, teaching and other areas.
The MIS for college student is a system which can help exchange information between the school and students, including two modules named system maintenance and scholarships and the honorary title assessment the system is divided into three users: administrators, teachers and students. Administrators have the highest authority. Teachers have an audit and inquiry authority. Students only provide with competence. Of course, it can also be based on the need for administrators to change authority. Only the administrator can increase the provisions of scholarships and the honorary title in the scholarships and honorary title assessment module. Students obtain information from the provision. If they are fit for the standards, they can fill in a form to submit applications. At first, teachers conduct audits, then administrators conduct audits again. The students can audit results on Internet.
The system is based on Browser rver (browser rver) structure and developed by JSP language and SQL Server2000 database. It also uses TOMCAT as a server. The system uses the photo certification to prevent violence breaking in landing and uses the MD5 algorithm to increase safety in the password of database. The system is written by the language: HTML and Java. So it can be easily transplant, each code can be stored as sub-block and easily be vindicated.

Key words: JAVA;SQL Server2000;TOMCAT;Browser rver;Management System

目  录 

1 引言 1
1.1课题背景及意义 1
1.2课题开发的目的 1
1.3系统的开发方法 1
1.4相关技术和开发工具 1
2系统分析 2
2.1需求分析 2
2.2数据库分析与设计 3
3系统描述 7
3.2项目框图 7
3.3系统性能要求 8
3.4系统所需的环境要求 8
4系统实现 9
4.1登陆模块实现 9
4.2验证码,MD5和连接池简介 11
4.3系统管理功能实现 14
4.4奖学金申请模块功能实现 17
4.5荣誉称号申请模块功能实现 19
结    论 21
参考文献 22
致    谢 23
声    明 24

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