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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/18



摘    要
本文分析了一般网上考试系统的基本需求,开发了一个采用浏览器/服务器结构的网上考试系统。本系统在Microsoft windows XP操作系统平台下开发,服务器端使用基于VBScript语言的asp作为服务器的服务框架,后台数据库为MS SQL,在浏览器端使用java script技术。现阶段虽只实现了试卷的客观题部分,但已具有试题(卷)录入、修改、添加和删除,成绩的查询和统计,自动评分以及在线考试等重要功能。

关键词:ASP;MS SQL;网上考试;试卷
The Design and Realization of Network Examination and Assessment System
With the rapid development of Internet, all kinds of applications which base on Internet are attended by people gradually, and the online examination system based on Web, and developed gradually with the computer network technology and database technology come into being in this condition. Online examination system is one of the hottest education software in present campuses, and how to develop online examinations work scientifically and effectively has became the most concerned in all the schools. Many schools are out of date in using campus network to manage and share the information data, and realize highly effective paperless office work. Thus, it is a very important research and development work to improve the utilization rate of campus network and quicken information management at school.
The thesis analyzes the basic needs about the general online examination system, which has been developed by using browser / server. The system is developed under the platform of Microsoft windows XP operating system, and the usage of server terminal is based on asp of the VBScript language as the sever framework. The backstage database is MS SQL, and java script technology is used in the browser-side. At the present, although the paper has just been achieved the objective items, it could be functioned with input, revision, addition and deletion of items, and marks inquiries and statistics, auto-scoring and test online etc.

Key words:  ASP;MS SQL;Online Examination;Papers

目  录

1 引言 1
1.1 课题研究的目的和意义 1
1.2 课题研究的背景 1
1.3 研究课题的特色及优缺点 2
1.4 本论文的工作内容 2
2 需求分析 3
2.1 系统需要解决的主要问题 3
2.2 系统基本要求 3
2.2.1 基于B/S体系 3
2.2.2 试卷和试题的管理功能 3
2.2.3 实现答卷的自动提交与判卷 3
2.2.4 方便的成绩查询 3
2.2.5 完善的安全机制 3
2.2.6 三级管理权限控制 4
2.2.7 个性化操作页面 4
2.3 系统主要模块及其功能 4
2.4 系统功能结构模块图 5
2.5 系统运行环境 5
2.6 数据流程分析 6
3 系统设计 7
3.1 系统简介 7
3.2 数据库设计 7
3.2.1 E-R图 7
3.2.2 数据库的逻辑结构 7
4 系统的实现 10
4.1 数据库的连接 10
4.2 管理员模块 11
4.3 教师管理模块 11
4.4 领导管理模块 19
4.5 在线考试模块 19
5 系统测试和性能分析 23
结    论 23
参考文献 23
致    谢 25
声    明 26


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