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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/19



摘  要
基于远程教育的推广和在线考试需求的增加,本文设计并实现了一套在线考试系统。本系统实现了系统管理、考生管理、在线考试、在线制作试卷、控制学生考试、试卷审批等基本功能。同时,为确保系统安全运行和考试信息的机密性、完整性,本系统采用了SSL协议来加密传输的考试数据,并实现对服务器的认证。系统采用B/S开发模式,以JAVA作为开发平台,结合JSP、java script、Html等语言,以Tomcat为服务器和SQL Server 2000为后台数据库。整个系统层次结构简单,操作容易,并具备一定的安全性。考生借助此系统,可以随时随地的进行课程结业考试,同样,老师使用该系统能更高效、便捷的组织在线考试。

Design and Implementation of Online Examination System
The online examination system aims at achieving the paperless examination management. The online examination system, which bases on computer and network technology, is convenience for the exam management, but also for the students. Simultaneously, such a system is absolutely suitable for the students in distance education who are dispersive and difficult to concentrate on the course.  
As the promotion of distance education and the increasing demand of the online examination, this paper presents the design and implementation of the on-line examination system. The system implements the following functions: system management, examinee management, online examinations, online production of the papers, control examinations and paper processing. Meanwhile, in order to ensure the system operating safe and the examination information confidential as well as integral, the system uses the SSL protocol to encrypt examination data and achieve the server authentication. The system bases on B/S development model, using Java as a development platform, which utilizes JSP, java script, and Html language as well. The web server is Tomcat. Database server is SQL Server 2000. The system structure is simple, easy and safe. Examinee can exam at any time by using the system. Simultaneously teachers can use the system to organize online examination more efficiently and conveniently. 

Key words: Online examination system; B/S pattern; SSL

目  录

1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 系统开发的意义 1
2 需求分析 1
2.1 问题分析 1
2.2 功能需求分析 1
2.3 开发环境的选择 2
3 系统安全基础 3
4 系统总体设计 4
4.1 设计思想 4
4.2 系统模块结构图 4
4.3 系统流程图 4
4.4 数据库的设计 5
5 系统详细设计与实现 6
5.1 SSL协议的配置与使用 6
5.2 功能模块设计 7
5.2.1 系统管理模块 8
5.2.2 考生管理模块 10
5.2.3 成绩查询模块 11
5.2.4 控制考试模块 12
5.2.5 制作试卷模块 14
5.2.6 试卷中心模块 15
5.2.7 考生考试模块 16
6 系统测试 17
结     论 18
参考文献 18
致    谢 19
声    明 20


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