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J2ME MIDP Device Fragmentation Tutorial with Marv The Miner(
来源:Http:// 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 12/11/29

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  Building and Executing the Application

  At this point, we should be able to compile and run the program for all of our configurations. Clicking any of the icons in the main toolbar will execute the selected action for the Active configuration.

  In the main menu, select Build > Build All Main Project Configurations.

  Assuming everything is set up correctly, all configurations should now be built.

  If you did not have Access to one or more of the emulator platforms containing the correct APIs, this step might fail. If that is the case, you should manually comment out any line making a call to an API that you don't have.

  Preverification will fail for the Motorola configuration if you have not followed the steps to manually install the motoral emulator described in the section for non-UEI emulators. To make this configuration compile without manually adding the emulator, you can comment out all motorola API calls and remove the motorola libs from the Libraries & Resources panel.

  Select the Files tab in the upper left hand side of the IDE and expand the dist folder. In this folder you should have directories containing Jar/JADs for each configuration that was successfully built, as well as a Jar/Jad that represents the DefaultConfiguration build.

  Press F5 to run the program for the currently selected configuration. You can switch configurations and press F5 again to run multiple versions of the program at the same time.





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