1 2 下一页 import Java.util.Vector; import java.net.*; import java.io.*; public class ThreadPool { public static final int MAX_THREADS = 100; public static final int MAX_SPARE_THREADS = 50; public static final int MIN_SPARE_THREADS = 10; public static final int WORK_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000; protected Vector pool; //存放空闲线程 protected MonitorRunnable monitor; //A monitor thread that monitors the pool for idel threads. protected int maxThreads; //Max number of threads that you can open in the pool. protected int minSpareThreads; //Min number of idel threads that you can leave in the pool. protected int maxSpareThreads; //Max number of idel threads that you can leave in the pool. protected int currentThreadCount; //Number of threads in the pool. protected int currentThreadsBusy; //Number of busy threads in the pool. protected boolean stopThePool; //Flag that the pool should terminate all the threads and stop. /** * Construct */ public ThreadPool() { maxThreads = MAX_THREADS; maxSpareThreads = MAX_SPARE_THREADS; minSpareThreads = MIN_SPARE_THREADS; currentThreadCount = 0; currentThreadsBusy = 0; stopThePool = false; } /** * 启动线程池 */ public synchronized void start() { adjustLimits(); //调整最大和最小线程数及最大和最小多余线程数. openThreads(minSpareThreads); //打开初始线程 monitor = new MonitorRunnable(this); //Runnable对象实例 //A monitor thread that monitors the pool for idel threads. } public void setMaxThreads(int maxThreads) { this.maxThreads = maxThreads; } public int getMaxThreads() { return maxThreads; } public void setMinSpareThreads(int minSpareThreads) { this.minSpareThreads = minSpareThreads; } public int getMinSpareThreads() { return minSpareThreads; } public void setMaxSpareThreads(int maxSpareThreads) { this.maxSpareThreads = maxSpareThreads; } public int getMaxSpareThreads() { return maxSpareThreads; } /** * 线程池管理方法. * 当空闲队列线程中没有空闲线程时,则增加处理(空闲)线程数量. * 如果线程数量已达到最大线程数,则新的连接进行等待. * 当请求到来,且有空闲线程时调用处理线程进行具体业务处理. * @param r ThreadPoolRunnable */ public void runIt(Socket cs) { //r 为task //有任务进入时调用 if (null == cs) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if (0 == currentThreadCount || stopThePool) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } ControlRunnable c = null; //任务处理实例. synchronized (this) { if (currentThreadsBusy == currentThreadCount) { //如果工作线程和当前线程数相等,说明没有空闲线程. if (currentThreadCount < maxThreads) { //如果当前线程数还没有达到最大线程数. int toOpen = currentThreadCount + minSpareThreads; //再增加minSpareThreads个线程量. openThreads(toOpen); //打开线程新增空闲线程. //currentThreadCount数量增加 } else { //如果当前数量达到了最大线程数. while (currentThreadsBusy == currentThreadCount) { //当工作线程和当前线程数相等,说明没有空闲线程. try { this.wait(); //连接线程进行等待. } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (0 == currentThreadCount || stopThePool) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } } } c = (ControlRunnable) pool.lastElement(); //在有空闲线程的情况下,从空闲线程队列中取出最后一个线程. pool.removeElement(c); //从空闲队列中删除最后一个线程,用于处理其他事件. currentThreadsBusy++; //对处理事件的线程数加1 } System.out.println("系统调用一个Sokcet线程"); c.runIt(cs); //调用具体业务方法,告诉其有数据请求要处理,唤醒等待中的线程. } /** * 关闭线程池 */ public synchronized void shutdown() { if (!stopThePool) { //如果线程池没有关闭,(线程池关闭标识为假) stopThePool = true; monitor.terminate(); //关闭监视线程 monitor = null; for (int i = 0; i < (currentThreadCount - currentThreadsBusy); i++) { //关闭空闲线程队列 try { ( (ControlRunnable) (pool.elementAt(i))).terminate(); } catch (Throwable t) { } } currentThreadsBusy = currentThreadCount = 0; pool = null; notifyAll(); //唤醒所有在等待的线程. } } /** * 当线程大于最大多余线程时关闭多余的线程. */ protected synchronized void checkSpareControllers() { if (stopThePool) { //如果连接池没有关闭. return; } if ( (currentThreadCount - currentThreadsBusy) > maxSpareThreads) { //如果空闲的线程数大于多余的最大线程数量. int toFree = currentThreadCount - currentThreadsBusy - maxSpareThreads; //得出多余的线程数量 for (int i = 0; i < toFree; i++) { //关闭删除空闲线程,从Vector中删除 ControlRunnable c = (ControlRunnable) pool.firstElement(); pool.removeElement(c); c.terminate(); //让删除的线程结束 currentThreadCount--; //处理线程队列减少一个 } } } /** * 当线程处理完成后重新放到空闲线程队列中. * @param c ControlRunnable */ protected synchronized void returnController(ControlRunnable c) { if (0 == currentThreadCount || stopThePool) { //如果线程池关闭或当前连接线程数量为0 c.terminate(); //关闭当前线程. return; } currentThreadsBusy--; //处理线程队列的数量减少一个 pool.addElement(c); //空闲线程队列中增加一个 notifyAll(); //唤醒可能在等待连接的线程. } /** * 当一个处理线程出现异常时,要重新开启一个空闭线程.,并唤醒在等待空闲线程的线程.ThreadPool的runIt中等待的线程. */ protected synchronized void notifyThreadEnd() { currentThreadsBusy--; //因从线程是在处理数据时出现异常,所处理线程队列的数量要减一个. currentThreadCount--; //因出现异常的线程关闭了.所开户线程的数量要减少一个. notifyAll(); //唤醒等待连接的阻塞线程. openThreads(minSpareThreads); //重新打开minSpareThreads个线程.如currentThreadCount的数量大于minSpareThreads,则还是不开启新线程. } /** * 调整各种线程队列数量 */ protected void adjustLimits() { if (maxThreads <= 0) { //如果最大线程数小于0 maxThreads = MAX_THREADS; //设置最大线程数为100 } if (maxSpareThreads >= maxThreads) { //如果最大多余线程数大于最大线程数. maxSpareThreads = maxThreads; //设置最大多余线程数为最大线程数. } if (maxSpareThreads <= 0) { //如果最大多余线程数小于0 if (1 == maxThreads) { maxSpareThreads = 1; //如最大线程数为1的情况下,设置最大多余线程数为1. } else { maxSpareThreads = maxThreads / 2; //设置最大多余线程数为最大线程数的一半. } } if (minSpareThreads > maxSpareThreads) { //如果最小多余线程大于最大多余线程数 minSpareThreads = maxSpareThreads; //设置最小多余线程数为最大多余线程数. } if (minSpareThreads <= 0) { //如果最小多余线程数小于0 if (1 == maxSpareThreads) { minSpareThreads = 1; //如最大线程数为1的情况下,则设置最小多余线程数为1. } else { minSpareThreads = maxSpareThreads / 2; //否则设置最小多余线程数为最大多余线程数的一半. } } } /** * 打开指定数量的空闲线程队列 * @param toOpen int */ protected void openThreads(int toOpen) { //toOpen=minSpareThreads if (toOpen > maxThreads) { toOpen = maxThreads; } if (0 == currentThreadCount) { //如果当前线程池中的线程数量为0 pool = new Vector(toOpen); //创建一个有minSpareThreads数量的Vector } //因第二次增加时对第一次增加的线程不能重复增加.所要从currentThreadCount开始. for (int i = currentThreadCount; i < toOpen; i++) { //先增加minSparethreads数量的线程. pool.addElement(new ControlRunnable(this)); //Runnable实例对象,可用于创建线程 } currentThreadCount = toOpen; } /** * 监视线程,用于监听当前空闲线程是否大于最大多余线程数量,如存在则关闭多余的空闲线程. */ class MonitorRunnable implements Runnable { ThreadPool p; Thread t; boolean shouldTerminate; /** * construct * @param p ThreadPool */ MonitorRunnable(ThreadPool p) { shouldTerminate = false; this.p = p; t = new Thread(this); t.start(); } public void run() { while (true) { try { synchronized (this) { this.wait(WORK_WAIT_TIMEOUT); } if (shouldTerminate) { //如果结束 break; } p.checkSpareControllers(); //检查是否有多余线程. } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } } public void stop() { this.terminate(); } public synchronized void terminate() { shouldTerminate = true; this.notifyAll(); } } }
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