<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">
<title> neverSpliter - http://www.never-online.net </title>
<meta http-equiv=\"ImageToolbar\" content=\"no\" />
<meta name=\"author\" content=\"never-online, BlueDestiny\"/>
<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"never modules, Mozilla CSS, C#, .net, Reference, BlueDestiny, never-online\"/>
<meta name=\"description\" content=\"javascript reference, c sharp artilces\"/>
<meta name=\"creator.name\" content=\"never-online, BlueDestiny\" />
<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\" title=\"Default\">
body, td {}{ font:9pt \"Verdana\"; }
table {}{ border:4px solid buttonface; }
.innerSpliter {}{ width:4px; height:100%; border:1px outset buttonhighlight; background-color:buttonface; overflow:hidden; cursor:col-resize; }
.spliterLine {}{ display:none; top:0px; left:100px; position:absolute; border:2px outset button; }
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
function getElementOffset(e)
var t = e.offsetTop;
var l = e.offsetLeft;
var w = e.offsetWidth;
var h = e.offsetHeight-1;
while(e=e.offsetParent) {
return {
top : t,
left : l,
width : w,
height : h
window.onload = function()
window.lftWrapper = document.getElementById(\"leftWrapper\");
window.rgtWrapper = document.getElementById(\"rightWrapper\");
window.splitObj = document.getElementById(\"splitLine\");
window.bIsMoved = false;
document.getElementById(\"spliter\").onmousedown = handlerDown;
document.onmousemove = handlerMove;
document.onmouseup = handlerUp;
function handlerDown()
var elposition = getElementOffset(document.getElementById(\"spliter\"));
splitObj.evtX = event.clientX-elposition.left;
with (splitObj.style)
display = \"block\";
left = elposition.left;
cursor = \"col-resize\";
filter = \"alpha(opacity=30)\";
height = elposition.height;
top = elposition.top;
bIsMoved = true;
function handlerMove()
if (!bIsMoved) return;
with (splitObj.style)
left = event.clientX - splitObj.evtX;
cursor = \"col-resize\";
function handlerUp()
{ [Page]
if (!bIsMoved) return;
lftWrapper.style.width = event.clientX - splitObj.evtX;
splitObj.style.display = \"none\";
<body id=\"www.never-online.net\">
<div id=\"splitLine\" class=\"spliterLine\"></div>
<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" i