} elseif ($type == "veggie") {
return new NYStyleVeggiePizza();
} elseif ($type == "clam") {
return new NYStyleClamPizza();
} elseif ($type == "papperoni") {
return new NYStylePapperoniPizza();
} else {
return null;
class ChicagoPizzaStore extends PizzaStore {
public function createPizza($type) {
if ($type == "cheese") {
return new ChicagoStyleCheesePizza();
} elseif ($type == "veggie") {
return new ChicagoStyleVeggiePizza();
} elseif ($type == "clam") {
return new ChicagoStyleClamPizza();
} elseif ($type == "papperoni") {
return new ChicagoStylePapperoniPizza();
} else {
return null;
abstract class Pizza {
public $name;
public $dough;
public $sauce;
public $toppings = array();
public function prepare() {
echo "Preparing " . $this->name . "\n";
echo "Yossing dough...\n";
echo "Adding sauce...\n";
echo "Adding toppings: \n";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->toppings); $i++) {
echo " " . $this->toppings[$i] . "\n";
public function bake() {
echo "Bake for 25 minutes at 350\n";
public function cut() {
echo "Cutting the pizza into diagonal slices\n";
public function box() {
echo "Place pizza in official PizzaStore box\n";
public function getName() {
return $this->name;
class NYStyleCheesePizza extends Pizza {
public function __construct() {
$this->name = "NY Style Sauce and cheese Pizza";
$this->dough = "Thin Crust Dough";
$this->sauce = "Marinara Sauce";
$this->toppings[] = "Grated Reggiano Cheese";
class NYStyleVeggiePizza extends Pizza {
public function __construct() {
$this->name = "NY Style Sauce and veggie Pizza";
$this->dough = "Thin Crust Dough";
$this->sauce = "Marinara Sauce";
$this->toppings[] = "Grated Reggiano veggie";
class NYStyleClamPizza extends Pizza {
public function __construct() {
$this->name = "NY Style Sauce and clam Pizza";
$this->dough = "Thin Crust Dough";
$this->sauce = "Marinara Sauce";
$this->toppings[] = "Grated Reggiano clam";
class NYStylePapperoniPizza extends Pizza {
public function __construct() {
$this->name = "NY Style Sauce and papperoni Pizza";
$this->dough = "Thin Crust Dough";
$this->sauce = "Marinara Sauce";
$this->toppings[] = "Grated Reggiano papperoni";
class ChicagoStyleCheesePizza extends Pizza {
public function __construct() {
$this->name = "Chicago Style Deep Dish Cheese Pizza";
$this->dough = "Extra Thick Crust Dough";
$this->sauce = "Plum Tomato Sauce";
$this->toppings[] = "Shredded Mozzarella Cheese";
public function cut() {
echo "Cutting the pizza into square slices\n";
$myStore = new NYPizzaStore();
$chicagoStore = new ChicagoPizzaStore();
$pizza = $myStore->orderPizza("cheese");
echo "Ethan ordered a " . $pizza->getName() . "\n";
$pizza = $chicagoStore->orderPizza("cheese");
echo "Ethan ordered a " . $pizza->getName() . "\n";
复制代码 代码如下:
abstract class PizzaStore {
public function orderPizza($type) {
$pizza = $this->createPizza($t