JPGraph处理有中文字符时都会转成utf8编码后显示,我们只需注释掉相关的代码就可以了。 Dotproject苷特图中文乱码解决具体步骤如下: 1。修改jpgraph库 打开dotprojectlibjpgraphjpgraphsrcjpgraph.PHP文件,找到下面代码段 function Convert($aTxt,$aFF) { if( LANGUAGE_CYRILLIC ) { if( CYRILLIC_FROM_Windows ) { $aTxt = convert_cyr_string($aTxt, "w", "k"); } $isostring = convert_cyr_string($aTxt, "k", "i"); $unistring = LanguageConv::iso2uni($isostring); return $unistring; }/* 注释掉下面代码段 elseif( $aFF === FF_SIMSUN ) { // Do Chinese conversion if( $this->g2312 == null ) { include_once 'jpgraph_gb2312.php' ; $this->g2312 = new GB2312toUTF8(); } return $this->g2312->gb2utf8($aTxt); } elseif( $aFF === FF_CHINESE ) { if( !function_exists('iconv') ) { JpGraphError::Raise('Usage of FF_CHINESE (FF_BIG5) font family requires that your PHP setup has the iconv() function. By default this is not compiled into PHP (needs the "--width-iconv" when configured).'); } return iconv('BIG5','UTF-8',$aTxt); }注释到此结束*/ else return $aTxt; }
2.修改dotproject中用到jpgraph的模块 a. 改project模块 打开dotprojectmodulesprojectsgantt.php文件,修改文件中下面的代码 将所有 arialbd.ttf 用 simsum.ttc 替换 将所有 FF_ARIAL 用 FF_SIMSUN 替换 注释掉下面的代码 //if ( $locale_char_set=='utf-8' && function_exists("utf8_decode") ) { //$name = utf8_decode($name); /(责任编辑:admin) |