◆ 产生一个客户端
To solve the second problem is very easy. You need to create a PHP page that connects to
a socket, receive any data that is in the buffer, and process it. After you have processed the
data in the buffer you can send your data to the server. When another client connects, it
will process the data you sent and the client will send more data back to the server.
复制代码 代码如下:
// Create the socket and connect
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
$connection = socket_connect($socket,''localhost'', 1337);
while($buffer = socket_read($socket, 1024, PHP_NORMAL_READ))
if($buffer == “NO DATA”)
echo(“<p>NO DATA</p>”);
// Do something with the data in the buffer
echo(“<p>Buffer Data: “ . $buffer . “</p>”);
echo(“<p>Writing to Socket</p>”);
// Write some test data to our socket
if(!socket_write($socket, “SOME DATA\r\n”))
echo(“<p>Write failed</p>”);
// Read any response from the socket
while($buffer = socket_read($socket, 1024, PHP_NORMAL_READ))
echo(“<p>Data sent was: SOME DATA<br> Response was:” . $buffer . “</p>”);
echo(“<p>Done Reading from Socket</p>”);
这个例子的代码演示了客户端连接到服务器。客户端读取数据。如果这是第一时间到达这个循环的首次连接,这个服务器将发送“NO DATA”返回给客户端。如果情况发生了,这个客户端在连接之上。客户端发送它的数据到服务器,数据发送给服务器,客户端等待响应。一旦接受到响应,那么它将把响应写到屏幕上。