.htgroup 文件示例:
admin: user2
editor: user1 user3
writer: user3
复制代码 代码如下:
class Htgroup {
private $file = '''';
private function write($groups = array()) {
$str = '''';
foreach ($groups as $group => $users) {
$users_str = '''';
foreach ($users as $user) {
if (!empty($users_str)) {
$users_str .= '' '';
$users_str .= $user;
$str .= "$group: $users_str\n";
file_put_contents($this -> file, $str);
private function read() {
$groups = array();
$groups_str = file($this -> file, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
foreach ($groups_str as $group_str) {
if (!empty($group_str)) {
$group_str_array = explode('': '', $group_str);
if (count($group_str_array) == 2) {
$users_array = explode('' '', $group_str_array);
$groups[$group_str_array[0]] = $users_array;
return $groups;
public function __construct($file) {
if (file_exists($file)) {
$this -> file = $file;
} else {
die($file." doesn''t exist.");
return false;
public function addUserToGroup($username = '''', $group = '''') {
if (!empty($username) && !empty($group)) {
$all = $this -> read();
if (isset($all[$group])) {
if (!in_array($username, $all[$group])) {
$all[$group][] = $username;
} else {
$all[$group][] = $username;
$this -> write($all);
} else {
return false;
public function deleteUserFromGroup($username = '''', $group = '''') {
$all = $this -> read();
if (array_key_exists($group, $all)) {
$user_index = array_search($username, $all[$group]);
if ($user_index !== false) {
if (count($all[$group]) == 0) {
$this -> write($all);
} else {
return false;
复制代码 代码如下:
$groupHandler = new Htgroup(''/home/myuser/.htgroup'');
// Add user ''user1'' to group ''admin'' in .htgroup. Group will be automatically created if it doesn''t exist.
$groupHandler -> addUserToGroup(''user1'', ''admin'');
// Delete user ''user1'' from group ''admin'' in .htgroup. Group will be automatically removed if it doesn''t contain any users.
$groupHandler -> deleteUserFromGroup(''user1'', ''admin'');