--查询一个表中有效去掉重复的记录,UserID为自增长主键,RoleID为重复字段 SELECT MIN(UserID) AS UserID, RoleID FROM tmpTable GROUP BY RoleID SELECT RoleID FROM tmpTable GROUP BY RoleID HAVING (COUNT(*) > 1) SELECT DISTINCT * FROM tmpTable sql语句查询 sql server access 数据库里的所有表名,字段名2007年02月01日 星期四 下午 04:21SQL SERVER 查看所有表名: select name from sysobjects where type=''U'' 查询表的所有字段名: Select name from syscolumns Where ID=OBJECT_ID(''表名'') select * from information_schema.tables select * from information_schema.views select * from information_schema.columns ACCESS 查看所有表名: select name from MSysObjects where type=1 and flags=0 MSysObjects是系统对象,默认情况是隐藏的。通过工具、选项、视图、显示、系统对象可以使之显示出来 DECLARE authors_cursor CURSOR forselect * from inhibit as awhere exists(select cidfrom inhibitwhere cid=a.cidgroup by cidhaving count(cid)>1)order by cid OPEN authors_cursordeclare @id0 numeric(18,0),@cid0 char(20),@other char(30) declare @id1 numeric(18,0),@cid1 char(20) FETCH NEXT FROM authors_cursor INTO @id0, @cid0, @other, @other, @other, @other, @other, @other --select @id0,@cid0 WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGIN FETCH NEXT FROM authors_cursor INTO @id1, @cid1, @other, @other, @other, @other, @other, @other while(@cid1=@cid0 and @@FETCH_STATUS = 0)// cid相同的记录只留一个 begin print @id1 delete from inhibit where id=@id1 FETCH NEXT FROM authors_cursor INTO @id1, @cid1, @other, @other, @other, @other, @other, @other end set @id0=@id1 set @cid0=@cid1END CLOSE authors_cursorDEALLOCATE authors_cursorgo