Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim sTime As String
Dim mM As Long
Dim mS As Long
Dim sM As String
Dim sS As String
mTime = mTime + 1
mM = Int(mTime / 60)
mS = mTime - mM
sS = mS
sM = mM
If mM < 10 Then sM = "0" mM
If mS < 10 Then sS = "0" mS
Label2 = sM ":" sS
End Sub
Private Sub OpenBlank(ByVal zmX As Long, ByVal zmY As Long)
Dim Continue As Boolean
Dim mX As Long
Dim mY As Long
OpenFlag = OpenFlag + 1
Do While True
Continue = False
For mY = 1 To NowHeight
For mX = 1 To NowWidth
If What(mX, mY) = 11 Then
Continue = True
If mX - 1 >= 1 Then
If What(mX - 1, mY) = 0 Then
What(mX - 1, mY) = 11
Picture1.PaintPicture image1(0).Picture, mX - 2, mY - 1
OpenFlag = OpenFlag + 1
ElseIf What(mX - 1, mY) >= 1 And What(mX - 1, mY) <= 9 Then
Picture1.PaintPicture image1(What(mX - 1, mY)).Picture, mX
- 2, mY - 1