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Table(37) = "100101000"  注释: %

  strBarTable(38) = "010101000"  注释: $

  strBarTable(39) = "001101000"  注释: *

  If strBarCode = "" Then Exit Sub 注释: 不打印空串

  注释: 保存打印机 ScaleMode

  Dim intOldScaleMode As ScaleModeConstants

  intOldScaleMode = Printer.ScaleMode

  注释: 保存打印机 DrawWidth

  Dim intOldDrawWidth As Integer

  intOldDrawWidth = Printer.DrawWidth

  注释: 保存打印机 Font

  Dim fntOldFont As StdFont

  Set fntOldFont = Printer.Font

  Printer.ScaleMode = vbTwips 注释: 设置打印用的坐标刻度为缇(twip=1)

  Printer.DrawWidth = 1   注释: 线宽为 1

  Printer.FontName = "宋体" 注释: 打印在条码下方字符的字体和大小

  Printer.FontSize = 10

  Dim strBC As String     注释: 要打印的条码字符串

  strBC = Ucase(strBarCode)

  注释: 将以毫米表示的 X 坐标转换为以缇表示

  Dim x As Integer

  x = Printer.ScaleX(intXPos, vbMillimeters, vbTwips)

  注释: 将以毫米表示的 Y 坐标转换为以缇表示

  Dim y As Integer

  y = Printer.ScaleY(intYPos, vbMillimeters, vbTwips)

  注释: 将以毫米表示的高度转换为以缇表示

  Dim intHeight As Integer

  intHeight = Printer.ScaleY(intPrintHeight, vbMillimeters, vbTwips)

  注释: 是否在条形码下方打印人工识别字符

  If bolPrintText = True Then

    注释: 条码打印高度要减去下面的字符显示高度

    intHeight = intHeight - Printer.TextHeight(strBC)

  End If

  Const intWidthCU As Integer = 30 注释: 粗线和宽间隙宽度

  Const intWidthXI As Integer = 10 注释: 细线和窄间隙宽度

  Dim intIndex As Integer      注释: 当前处理的字符串索引

  Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer  注释: 循环控制变量

  注释: 添加起始字符

  If Left(strBC, 1) <> "*" Then

    strBC = "*" & strBC

  End If

  注释: 添加结束字符

  If Right(strBC, 1) <> "*" Then

    strBC = strBC & "*"

  End If


  注释: 循环处理每个要显示的条码字符

  For i = 1 To Len(strBC)

    注释: 确定当前字符在 strBarTable 中的索引

    Select Case Mid(strBC, i, 1)

    Case "*"

      intIndex = 39

    Case "contentquot;

      intIndex = 38

    Case "%"

      intIndex = 37

    Case "-"

      intIndex = 36

    Case "0" To "9"

      intIndex = CInt(Mid(strBC, i, 1))

    Case "A" To "Z"

      intIndex = Asc(Mid(strBC, i, 1)) - Asc("A") + 10

    Case Else

      MsgBox "要打印的条形码字符串中包含无效字符!当前版本只支持字符 注释:0注释:-注释:9注释:,注释:A注释:-注释:Z注释:,注释:-注释:,注释:%注释:,注释:$注释:和注释:*注释:"

    End Select

    注释: 是否在条形码下方打印人工识别字符

    If bolPrintText = True Then

      Printer.CurrentX = x

      Printer.CurrentY = y + intHeight

      Printer.Print Mid(strBC, i, 1)

    End If

    For j
  • 下一篇资讯: 用VB实现特殊图形效果
  • 网学推荐



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