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来源:Http://myeducs.cn 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 12/10/16

Private Const S11 = 7
Private Const S12 = 12
Private Const S13 = 17
Private Const S14 = 22
Private Const S21 = 5
Private Const S22 = 9
Private Const S23 = 14
Private Const S24 = 20
Private Const S31 = 4
Private Const S32 = 11
Private Const S33 = 16
Private Const S34 = 23
Private Const S41 = 6
Private Const S42 = 10
Private Const S43 = 15
Private Const S44 = 21

''= Class Variables
Private State(4) As Long
Private ByteCounter As Long
Private ByteBuffer(63) As Byte

''= Class Properties
Property Get RegisterA() As String
    RegisterA = State(1)
End Property

Property Get RegisterB() As String
    RegisterB = State(2)
End Property

Property Get RegisterC() As String
    RegisterC = State(3)
End Property

Property Get RegisterD() As String
    RegisterD = State(4)
End Property

''= Class Functions

'' Function to quickly digest a file into a hex string
Public Function DigestFileToHexStr(FileName As String) As String
    Open FileName For Binary Access Read As #1
    Do While Not EOF(1)
        Get #1, , ByteBuffer
        If Loc(1) < LOF(1) Then
            ByteCounter = ByteCounter + 64
            MD5Transform ByteBuffer
        End If
    ByteCounter = ByteCounter + (LOF(1) Mod 64)
    Close #1
    DigestFileToHexStr = GetValues
End Function

'' Function to digest a text string and output the result as a string
'' of hexadecimal characters.
Public Function DigestStrToHexStr(SourceString As String) As String
    MD5Update Len(SourceString), StringToArray(SourceString)
    DigestStrToHexStr = GetValues
End Function

'' A utility function which converts a string into an array of
'' bytes.
Private Function StringToArray(InString As String) As Byte()
    Dim I As Integer
    Dim bytBuffer() As Byte
    ReDim bytBuffer(Len(InString))
    For I = 0 To Len(InString) - 1
        bytBuffer(I) = Asc(Mid(InString, I + 1, 1))
    Next I
    StringToArray = bytBuffer
End Function

'' Concatenate the four state vaules into one string
Public Function GetValues() As String
    GetValues = LongToString(State(1)) & LongToString(State(2)) & LongToString(State(3)) & LongToString(State(4))
End Function

'' Convert a Long to a Hex string
Private Function LongToString(Num As Long) As String




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