0, stop_c + x0, R + y0 + 1)
If combined_rgn = 0 Then
combined_rgn = new_rgn
CombineRgn combined_rgn, combined_rgn, new_rgn, RGN_OR
DeleteObject new_rgn
End If
End If
Next R
Case 24:
colourDepth = 3
ReDim bytes(0 To bm.bmWidthBytes - 1, 0 To bm.bmHeight - 1)
GetBitmapBits picShape.Image, bm.bmHeight * bm.bmWidthBytes, bytes(0, 0)
For R = 0 To bm.bmHeight - 2
注释: Create a region for this row.
C = 0
Do While C < bm.bmWidth
start_c = 0
stop_c = 0
offset = C * colourDepth
Do While C < bm.bmWidth
If bytes(offset, R) <> 255 Or _
bytes(offset + 1, R) <> 255 Or _
bytes(offset + 2, R) <> 255 Then Exit Do
C = C + 1
offset = offset + colourDepth
start_c = C
Do While C < bm.bmWidth
If bytes(offset, R) = 255 And _
bytes(offset + 1, R) = 255 And _
bytes(offset + 2, R) = 255 _
Then Exit Do
C = C + 1
offset = offset + colourDepth
stop_c = C
If start_c < bm.bmWidth Then
If stop_c >= bm.bmWidth Then stop_c = bm.bmWidth - 1
注释: 建立区域
new_rgn = CreateRectRgn(start_c + x0, R + y0, stop_c + x0, R + y0 + 1)
If combined_rgn = 0 Then
combined_rgn = new_rgn
CombineRgn combined_rgn, combined_rgn, new_rgn, RGN_OR
DeleteObject new_rgn
End If
End If
Next R
Case 32:
colourDepth = 4
ReDim longs(0 To bm.bmWidthBytes \ 4 - 1, 0 To bm.bmHeight - 1)
GetBitmapBits picShape.Image, bm.bmHeight * bm.bmWidthBytes, longs(0, 0)
For R = 0 To bm.bmHeight - 2
C = 0
Do While C < bm.bmWidth
start_c = 0
stop_c = 0
Do While C < bm.bmWidth
If (longs(C, R) And &HFFFFFF) <> &HFFFFFF Then Exit Do
C = C + 1
start_c = C
Do While C < bm.bmWidth
If (longs(C, R) And &HFFFFFF) = &HFFFFFF Then Exit Do
C = C + 1
stop_c = C
If start_c < bm.bmWidth Then
If stop_c >= bm.bmWidth Then stop_c = bm.bmWidth - 1
new_rgn = CreateRectRgn(start_c + x0, R + y0, stop_c + x0, R + y0 + 1)
If combined_rgn = 0 Then
combined_rgn = new_rgn
CombineRgn combined_rgn, combined_rgn, new_rgn, RGN_OR
DeleteObject new_rgn
End If
End If
Next R
Case Else
MsgBox "对不起,
程序必须在 16位, 24-位 或 32-位 颜色下。", _
vbExclamation + vbOKOnly
Exit Sub
End Select
注释: 设置表单外观为建立区域
SetWindowRgn hWnd, combined_rgn, True
DeleteObject combined_rgn
End Sub
Private Sub picShape_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Move (Screen.Width - Width) / 2, (Screen.Height - Height) / 2
End Sub
Private Sub picShape_DblClick()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub picshape_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
MoveTrue = True
OldX = x: OldY = y
End Sub
Private Sub picshape_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If MoveTrue = True Then
Form1.Left = Form1.Left + x - OldX
Form1.Top = Form1.Top + y - OldY
End If
End Sub
Private Sub picshape_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
MoveTrue = False
End Sub