摘 要
随着信息科学技术的飞速发展,人们逐渐意识到对信息管理软件的运用可以使日常工作更加方便、快捷和高效。论文详细论述了一个基于C/S结构的医院管理系统的开发设计过程。系统采用Visual Basic 6.0作开发平台,SQL Server 2000作数据库管理系统,实现了病人登记、医生信息管理、病人就诊信息管理、住院信息管理等功能。系统符合医院管理的要求,能够帮助医院切实提高工作效率。
关键词:医院管理系统;Visual basic;SQL server 2000
The Design and Implementation of Hospital Management System based on C/S
Along with the rapid development of the information science technology, people gradually realize that the utilization of information management software could make the routine more convenient, quick and efficient. The paper discusses in detail the development and design process of a hospital management system based on C/S structure. It uses Visual Basic 6.0 as the development platform, SQL Server 2000 as the database management system, and includes patients registration management, doctors’ information management, diagnosis information management and hospitalization information management, etc.. It can accord with the requirement of hospital management, and can help hospital enhance its work efficiency.
The paper is organized as following: Firstly, analyzes the background and significance; Secondly, introduces the development tools and the foundation of the technology; Thirdly, analyses the demand of the system, gives a specific design project and a database model; Then shows the implementation of the whole system, which includes the design and linkage of the database and the implementation of every module. Finally gives a test of the system.
Key words: Hospital management system; Visual basic; SQL server 2000
目 录
1 引言 1
2 系统理论基础及开发工具简介 1
2.1 C/S结构 1
2.1.1什么是C/S结构 1
2.1.2 C/S架构软件的优势与劣势 1
2.2 Visual Basic的介绍 2
2.3 SQL Server2000简介 4
3 系统需求分析与方案设计 4
3.1 需求分析 4
3.2 方案设计 4
3.3可行性研究 5
3.3.1 技术可行性方面 5
3.3.2 经济可行性 6
3.3.3 操作上的可行性 6
4 系统的实现 6
4.1 数据库的构建 6
4.1.1 IHMS_Users表 6
4.1.2 Disease表 6
4.1.3 Doctor表 7
4.1.4 Patient_Hospital_History表 7
4.1.5 Patient_Lab_Info表 7
4.1.6 Patient_Personal_Info表 8
4.1.7 Symptoms表 8
4.2 系统登陆模块 8
4.2.1 启动界面 8
4.2.2 系统主界面 9
4.2.3 登陆界面 10
4.2.4 系统管理员权限界面 11
4.3 医生信息模块 11
4.4 病人登记管理模块 12
4.5 病人就诊信息模块 13
4.6 病人住院信息管理模块 14
4.7 病人出院信息管理模块 17
5 系统测试 18
5.1 测试环境 18
5.1.1 硬件环境 18
5.1.2 软件环境 18
5.2 模块测试 18
5.2.1 系统登陆及管理员权限测试 18
5.2.2 医生用户信息测试 19
5.2.3 新增病人用户信息测试 19
5.2.4 病人就诊信息测试 20
5.2.5 病人住院信息测试 20
5.2.6 病人出院信息测试 21
结 论 22
参考文献 22
致 谢 24
声 明 25