摘 要
Implementation of RSA Cryptosystem
Computer network technology, whose application has gone deep into almost every field of human life and social activity, has been further popularized and developed since 1900s, but it is a very important question to guarantee information security. RSA is a crucial and significant public key cryptosystem. In the paper first the encryption algorithm is introduced based on the mathematical and theoretical introduction of the RSA algorithm theory, RSA algorithm and the parameter choices. VC + + Programming the RSA algorithm, the algorithm implementation process, has been called many interface functions of a given integer class.
Key Words: Cryptology; RSA; Encryption; Decryption
目 录
1引言 1
1.1密码学应用的相关背景 1
1.2使用RSA加密的意义 2
2 RSA相关理论知识 3
2.1 RSA的数学基础知识 3
2.1.1 关于数的基本理论 3
2.1.2 欧拉定理 费马小定理 4
2.1.3 中国剩余定理 4
2.1.4单向陷门函数 5
2.2 RSA加密解密算法 5
2.3 RSA参数的选择 6
2.3.1 模数n的确定 6
2.3.2 模数e的选取原则 7
2.3.3 素数的产生 7
3需求分析与平台选择 8
3.1需求分析 8
3.2平台选择 8
4 RSA密码体制的实现 9
4.1设计流程 9
4.2 截图及运行说明 9
4.3代码实现 10
4.4 各个功能模块介绍 10
4.4.1加密和解密函数的实现 10
4.4.2 导入加密密钥模块 11
4.4.3选择文件模块 12
4.4.4加密模块 12
4.4.5导入解密密钥模块 13
4.4.6生成明文 14
5测试 16
结 论 17
参考文献 17
致 谢 18
声 明 19