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摘  要
本论文主要描述一个代理服务器测试程序的设计与实现,需要了解代理服务器的工作原理,在Visual C++ 6.0平台上开发一个基于对话框的MFC应用程序,此程序能够在短时间内验证一批具有特定格式的代理,并将他们按照速度快慢的顺序排列,使得用者能很方便的选择快速可用的代理去访问外网资源。
关键词:代理;服务器;测试The Design and Implementation of Proxy Server Testing Program
This thesis describes a proxy server testing program’s design and realization. It is needed to master the theory of the Proxy server ,and realize it in Visual C + + 6.0 development platform based on an MFC dialog application procedure. This procedure can verify a number of specific format agents in a short time and order them according to the speed. Users can choose the quickest available agents to visit network resources.
In the design process the author drawes on the experience of mature software, ProxyFox, to accommodate the operation habits of ProxyFox. ProxyFox is designed with a similar interface, but it is more concise and beautiful.
Key words: proxy ; server; test

目  录

1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 本课题研究的意义 1
1.3 本课题的研究方法 2
2 系统设计基础 2
2.1 VC++6.0简介 2
2.2 MFC概述 2
3 SuperProxy简介 3
3.1 系统开发环境 3
3.2 SuperProxy功能简述 3
4 SuperProxy的设计 4
4.1 SuperProxy的界面设计 5
4.2 SuperProxy功能模块设计阶段 5
4.3 SuperProxy流程图 7
5 SuperProxy具体编码实现 7
5.1 代理资源列表模块实现 7
5.2 代理验证模块实现 9
6 系统测试 18
结    论 19
参考文献 19
致    谢 21
声    明 22

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