p; FSSpec sfFile;
short nMovieResFile;
short nMovieResId;
char theFullPath[255];
// Close any previously opened movie
// make a copy of our full path name
strcpy ( (char *)theFullPath, (const char *) fullPath );
// convert theFullPath to pstring
c2pstr( (char*)theFullPath );
// Make a FSSpec with a pascal string filename
FSMakeFSSpec(0,0L,(unsigned char*)theFullPath, &sfFile);
// Set the port
SetGWorld((CGrafPtr)GetHWNDPort(m_hViewWnd), nil);
// Open the movie file
err = OpenMovieFile(&sfFile, &nMovieResFile, fsRdPerm);
if (err == noErr)
// Get the Movie from the file
nMovieResId = 0;
err = NewMovieFromFile(&m_Movie,nMovieResFile,