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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/03



    摘  要
由于Windows的注册表几乎包含了所有的Windows系统软硬件的配置信息和初始化信息,因此,它是Windows操作系统的核心。当用户在编辑注册表的时候,很容易破坏注册表数据,结果会导致操作系统瘫痪,所以注册表工具成为用户的一种常用的工具软件。该课题从注册表的常见编辑功能出发,进行集成化设计,为用户提供一种实用的注册表工具软件。该工具软件在VC6.0开发环境下完成了5项主要功能,即系统基本配置管理、系统安全管理、Windows XP sp2设置技巧、应用软件优化和反黑防毒。其中系统基本配置管理完成了主机名修改、修改注册用户和公司名、个性化电脑、系统优化设计管理、网络管理;系统安全管理完成了隐藏盘符、浏览缺省主页的修改及锁定、设置IE安全、拒绝匿名访问和桌面安全;Windows XP sp2设置技巧完成了系统设置、安全设置、网络设置;应用软件优化完成了NetMeeting优化设置、WinRAR优化设置、Windows Media Player优化设置;反黑防毒抵御了常见的攻击行为,即SYN Flood攻击、BackDoor攻击、WinNuke攻击。最后,通过测试,满足了用户常用需求,但是还需要进一步详细设计,才能成为一个功能强大的注册表管理工具。


Design and Implementation of Management Tool for Registration
Windows registration almost includes all configuration and initial information of software and hardware, so it is the core of windows operation system. It is very easy to destroy the registry data when user is editing registration, it even can lead system to paralysis, so the registration table tools become a kind of software tools in common use. The design of this project basing the function of the registry common edition is integrated design that is to provide a practical registry software tool. Five main functions are completed in VC6.0 development environment that are system configuration manage, system security management, and skill of setting Windows XP sp2, optimization of application software and anti-virus and anti-hacking. The system basic configuration management includes modify host, user and company names, and individuation computer, managing system optimization design, network management. System security management includes hiding drive, modifying and locking the default homepage, setting IE security, refusing to anonymous visits and setting desktop security. Skill of setting windows XP sp2 includes configuring system, configuring security, and configuring network. Optimization of application software includes NetMeeting optimization, optimization Win RAR setting, and Windows Media Player optimization. Anti-virus and anti-hacking defend the common attack behavior such as SYN Flood attack, BackDoor attack, WinNuke attack. Finally, it satisfies the users by the test, but the further detailed design is needed, then it will become a powerful management tool of windows registration.

Keywords: Registration; Key value; Windows

目  录

1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 课题研究的意义 1
1.3 课题研究的方法 1
2 理论基础 1
2.1 Windows 2000/XP 的物理文件构成 1
2.2五大注册表根键的概述 2
2.2.1 Windows NT注册表五大根键 2
2.2.2 Windows 2000注册表五大根键 3
2.2.3 Windows XP/2003注册表的五大根键 5
2.3 Windows 2000/XP/2003注册表的五大根键解析 6
2.3.3 HKEY_USERS根键 7
3 设计方案 14
3.1 开发技术 14
3.2 基本设计 14
4 系统实现 14
4.1 系统基本配置管理 14
4.1.1 主机名修改 15
4.1.2 修改注册用户名和公司名 15
4.1.3 个性化电脑 16
4.1.4 系统优化设置管理 16
4.1.5 网络管理 17
4.2 系统安全管理 18
4.2.1 隐藏盘符 18
4.2.2 浏览器缺省主页的修改及锁定 18
4.2.3 设置IE安全 19
4.2.4 拒绝匿名访问和桌面安全 19
4.3 Windows XP sp2设置技巧 20
4.3.1 系统设置 21
4.3.2 安全设置 21
4.3.3 网络设置 22
4.4 应用软件优化 22
4.4.1 NetMeeting优化设置 23
4.4.2 WinRAR优化设置 23
4.4.3 Windows Media Player 优化设置 24
4.5 反黑防毒 25
4.5.1防止SYN Flood攻击 25
4.5.2 拯救被恶意代码攻击的IE浏览器 25
4.5.3 抵御BackDoor的破坏 26
4.5.4 预防WinNuke的破坏 26
5 测试结果 26
结    论 27
参考文献 27
致    谢 29
声    明 30

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