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论文字数:18296,页数:46  有开题报告,任务书

摘  要
 Ajax为近两年网路上热门的讨论话题,它的全名为Asynchronous java script and XML(异步的java script与XML),是一种建立互动式网页的浏览器端的开发技术,主要原理是运用java script针对网页文件DOM(Document Object Model)进行动态显示及交互控制,并使用XML和XSLT进行资料交换及相关操作。它的优点是整个网页页面不需要重新下载,加快网页界面显示速度,减少网路流量,减轻服务器负担,减少使用者等待页面更新的时间,如果使用得当,能建立更具互动性与亲和性的使用操作界面,让执行网络应用程序也能像桌面应用程序一样方便,灵活,快速。

关键词:Java ; Ajax ; 流量分析

Ajax Application in FlowAnalyzer System

Ajax has becomes the popular topic of discussion on the Internet for the last two years.The name is shorthand for Asynchronous java script And XML what are development technologies to create an interactive Web browser.Its main principle is to run the dynamic display and interaction control using java script for Web Document DOM (Document Object Model)and use XML and XSLT to exchange informations and other related operations.Its advantage is the entire Web pages do not need to reload,speeding up the Web interface shows,reducing the network traffic,reducing the burden on the server, reducing the waiting time for users to update pages,and can establish more interactive and compatibility interfaces to use if used properly, so that the implementation of network applications can also like desktop applications,convenient,flexible,fast.    The Ajax technology will be used in the devlopment of the FlowAnalyzer system in this paper flow to treatment with the ills that need to change frequently and reloading the page in the course of operations for the general dynamic database pages,reduce the burden on the server,solve the problem of transfering and handling a great deal of informations between the front and end,improve the page display and information processing speed obviously.And this paper also described the development process of the system management model and the real-time pattern in the flow analysis module,including design and implementation.

Keywords:  Java ;  Ajax ;  FlowAnalyzer


目 录
1. 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及来源 1
1.2 课题研究的意义 2
1.3 论文结构 2
2. 基本理论知识及其应用 3
2.1 Ajax技术 3
2.1.1 使用Ajax技术的原因 3
2.1.2 使用Ajax技术的步骤 7
2.1.3 使用Ajax技术的原则 10
2.2 Java编程 10
2.2.1 Java GUI 10
2.2.2 Java网络编程 11
2.2.3 Java线程 12
3. 系统需求分析 14
3.1产品设计原则 14
3.2产品总体要求 14
3.3产品性能和可靠性要求 15
3.4产品硬件要求 16
3.5产品软件要求 17
4. 系统详细设计 21
4.1 总体设计 21
4.2 流量分析模块功能 22
4.3 系统管理模块功能 22
4.3.1 帐号管理 23
4.3.2 系统信息 23
4.3.3 系统设置 23
4.3.4 接口设置 23
4.3.5 系统工具 23
4.3.6 流程图 24
5. 系统开发与实现 26
5.1 开发环境及工具 26
5.2 系统实现 26
5.2.1流量分析模块数据库 26
5.2.2流量分析模块界面 26
5.2.3系统管理模块数据库 27
5.2.4系统管理模块界面 29
5.2.5关键代码实现 32
5.3 结果分析 36
6. 总结 38
致 谢 39
参考文献 40

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