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论文字数:12404,页数:36 有开题报告,任务书,PPT

摘  要
 本文首先分析了目前图书馆信息化建设现状,提出图书管理系统存在的意义。接着对系统需求,模块设计和系统架构进行了分析,重点介绍了基于Spring+Struts+Hibernate(简称SSH组合框架)框架系统的优势和部分代码设计。使用基于SSH 3层架构整合方式的B/S模式的图书馆图书管理系统,将Struts MVC设计,Spring中的Bean管理、事务管理以及Hibernate的对象关系映射功能融为一体,解决了目前基于J2EE架构Web应用的系统开发所引起的许多问题。

  Application of B/S Framework on Library Book Manage System
 Now is the information society, already became the people through the library gain information to live an essential way, but the library information resource effective management already became the people to gain the information the key. Library management system based on the B/S framework has realized the on-line automation management, had guaranteed in the information flow the data uniformity, timeliness, reduced the labor time, saved the office expense, enhanced the working efficiency, caused the editorial office supervisory work to step a new stair.
 This article has first analyzed the present situation of library information construction, proposes the book manage system existence significance. After that to the system demand, the module design and the system framework has carried on the analysis, introduced with emphasis system of Spring+Struts+Hibernate framework(called SSH framework)’s superiority and the partial codes design. based on SSH framework B/S pattern library book manage system, Struts the MVC design, in the Spring Bean management, the business management as well as the Hibernate object relations mapping function merges into a whole, has solve many present questions which application system development caused based on J2EE construction Web.
Keywords: Library;Book Manage;Spring+Struts+Hibernate
目   录
摘  要 i
目   录 1
插图索引 1
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的研究目的 1
1.2 课题的研究意义 2
1.3 本文完成的主要工作 2
2 图书管理系统的设计模式 3
2.1 B/S模式介绍 3
2.2 轻量级J2EE架构 3
2.2.1 Struts分析 3
2.2.2 Spring分析 4
2.2.3 Hibernate分析 5
2.3 应用服务器选择 7
3 图书馆图书管理的解决方案 8
3.1 系统结构设计 8
3.2 系统功能介绍 8
3.3 SSH框架技术设计 9
3.4 系统整体框架 9
3.4.1 系统技术方案的选择 11
3.4.2 框架的优势 12
3.5 数据库设计 13
4 SSH架构在系统中的应用与实现 17
4.1 系统框架选择 17
4.2 图书管理系统实现 17
4.2.1 在表现层上利用Struts显示页面 18
4.2.2 在业务层上实现具体的业务功能 20
4.2.3 在数据层上实现对数据的操作 20
4.2.4 创建Hibernate持久化对象 21
4.2.5 用配置文件来整合整个系统 21
4.3 系统代码目录结构 24
4.4 系统运行环境 26
结   论 27
致   谢 28
参考文献 29

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