论文字数:20602,页数:57 有开题报告,任务书
摘 要
The Implementation And Improvement
Of IDS Rule-matching Algorithm
With the rapid development of Internet, computer network has become much more important in many areas, namely, society, economics, culture, and the people''s ordinary lives. People is also deeply feel the importance of network security when they use computer networks, Intrusion Detection Network security is an important guard . According to the detection methods of IDS, we can divide IDS into three types: misuse detection ,anomaly detection and standardized detection.
Snort is an open source network intrusion detection system (NIDS),which use the misuse detection methods and has a strong warning capability, However Snort have some disadvantage in many respects, Especially in the case of the high-speed network link, the rules matching algorithm of Snort is less efficient. Therefore ,we use dynamic rule-matching technology and make some research in order to make some improvements in the detection efficiency.
In this paper, we make two experiments, one experiment we use the Original algorithm, the other we use the improved algorithm. This paper use Snort Intrusion Detection model, built an intrusion detection system in order to do intrusion detection experiments. Then the rules will be adjusted dynamically by algorithm, continue to do experiments, the results will be compared with before, thus proving that the system improved the detection efficiency. Then, conclude the results of this experiment.
Keywords: IDS; rules matching; rules lab; dynamic matching
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 入侵检测系统的起源 1
1.2 入侵检测系统的现状 1
1.2.1 国外IDS现状 2
1.3 入侵检测系统的分类 3
1.3.1 国内IDS产品 5
1.3.2 国外IDS产品介绍 6
1.4 IDS的体系结构 6
1.5 入侵检测系统的发展方向 7
1.6 本文所做的工作 8
2 Snort的研究 9
2.1 Snort的规则 9
2.2 Snort匹配算法解析 13
2.3 Snort 命令介绍 14
2.4 Snort的工作模式 16
3 规则匹配算法 19
3.1 BMH算法 19
3.2 KMP匹配算法 20
3.3 BM算法 22
4 Snort规则匹配算法的改进 24
4.1 引言 24
4.2 算法改进目的 24
4.3 算法改进思想 24
4.4 改进后的Snort规则机制 25
4.5 改进后的Snort模块图 26
5 Snort实验 28
5.1 实验一: Snort的调试实验 28
5.1.1 实验设备 28
5.1.2 实验目的 28
5.1.3 平台搭建 28
5.1.4 实验方案 40
5.1.5 Snort运行页面 40
5.1.6 实验结果 42
5.2 实验二: Snort的改进实验 42
5.2.1 实验设备 42
5.2.2 实验目的 43
5.2.3 实验方案 43
5.2.4 实验结果 43
5.3 结论 43
6 总结和展望 45
致谢 46
参考文献 47
附录 49