摘 要
Design and Implementation of Chat Software on the Platform of Linux Operating System
Nowadays the network technology develops very rapidly, the chat program as a cheap and quick means of communication has been adopted by more and more people in the world.
This disquisition expounds how to use the GTK+ and C cord a chat program based on the Linux platform, and the paper is divided into four parts. The first part is to deal with the development of this product and the background and significance of developing of this software. On this basis it goes on to describe the demand for this product. The third part introduces the choice about the circumstance of this development. With such knowledge in hand, we have a general idea of the developing program of this software. And the design idea will be determined through the analysis and summing-up of the preparatory design.
In the section dealing with the program design, all the function modes and their operation flow of this software give an account of the detailed division and design. In addition, all the charts show the information of the modes and their whole structures.
Finally, the paper points out the shortcomings in the design of the software. And it is hoped that further efforts will be made in the design.
Key words: Linux Operating System; Client rver Model; TCP/IP Protocol; Network Programming; Graphics User Interface
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 课题的背景及意义 1
1.2 网络聊天软件的发展及现状 1
1.3 TCP/IP协议简介 2
1.3.1 TCP协议简介 2
1.3.2 UDP协议简介 2
1.4 套接字简介 3
1.5 开发平台简介 3
1.5.1 Linux系统简介 3
1.5.2 Gtk+图形开发库简介 4
1.5.3 Gnome的开发结构简介 4
1.5.4 Glade集成开发工具简介 4
1.5.5 编程语言和编程工具简介 5
1.6 本章小结 5
2 软件需求分析 5
2.1 软件功能需求 5
2.2 总体性能需求 6
2.2.1 服务器端性能需求 6
2.2.2 客户端性能需求 6
2.3 错误处理需求 6
2.4 本章小结 6
3 程序设计方案 6
3.1 方案比较 6
3.1.1 采用TCP方式连接 6
3.1.2 采用UDP方式连接 7
3.2 方案选择 8
3.3 总体设计方案 8
3.3.1 服务器功能模块划分 8
3.3.2 客户端功能模块划分 8
3.3.3 消息标识的定义 9
3.3.4 消息结构体的设计 10
4 软件流程 11
4.1 服务器消息处理流程 11
4.2 客户端操作流程 12
4.3 客户端消息发送和接收流程 13
4.4 申请用户流程 14
5 详细设计 15
5.1 服务器主要函数和变量 15
5.2 服务器消息处理模块的设计与实现 15
5.3 服务器数据存储的方法 16
5.4 客户端主要窗口设计 17
5.5 客户端主要函数和变量 20
5.6 客户端功能模块的设计与实现 21
5.7 本章小结 23
结 论 23
参考文献 24
致 谢 25
声 明 26