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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/31


论文字数:16455,页数:36  有开题报告,任务书,代码

摘    要

 SOA(Service Oriented Architecture,面向服务的架构)作为下一代的软件开发理念,对现代软件开发模式产生了深远的影响。SOA通过服务的发布、服务的发现以及服务的调用等机制为其他的应用程序提供服务。
 本文描述了软件体系结构的发展,给出面向服务软件体系结构出现的必然性,分析了SOA的体系结构,对其实现技术Web Service及协议规范XML、 SOAP、 WSDL和UDDI等进行了研究,并将其应用到仓库管理系统的设计与实现中。

The Research and Application SOA In Storage Management System
 With the development of computer technology and enterprise system integration and upgrading of a change in demand , previous traditional forms of software architecture has been unable to meet the user''s need to facilitate integration .So, there is now a new generation of software framework for thinking, service-oriented architecture, SOA.
 SOA , as the next generation of software development philosophy, deeply impact on modern software development model . SOA provide services for other applications by service-published, service discovery and service calls and other mechanisms . Traditional storage systems use a single server machine or the windows platform management systems. With the development and growth of company, the traditional structure of the storage management system has been unable to meet the enterprise demands for system integration. In order to make the warehouse management system be able to provide storage management functions for heterogeneous systems , this article will introduce the SOA storage management system, its application of certain research and realized.
 This paper describes the development of the architecture of software ,make it clear that the service-oriented software architecture is inevitable .And it analysis the architecture of SOA .At the same time ,we researched its Web Service technology and the ruls such as XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI .After that ,it applicated all of these to design and implement the storage management system

 Key Words:SOA;Service-Oriented Architecture;Web Service;Storage Management System
目  录

1.绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.1.1业务需求不断变化 1
1.1.2 SOA架构的提出 1
1.1.3国内外研究现状 1
1.2本文的主要研究内容和内容组织 2
2.面向服务体系结构 4
2.1软件体系结构概述 4
2.2软件体系结构发展演变过程 4
2.2.1传统的软件体系结构 4
2.2.2基于组件的软件体系结构 5
2.2.3面向服务的软件体系结构 5
2.3 SOA架构 6
2.3.1概述 6
2.3.2 基本架构 6
2.3.3 SOA的特点 8
2.3.4 SOA的设计原则 9
2.4 SOA的关键技术 10
2.4.1 XML介绍 10
2.4.2 SOAP介绍 10
2.4.3 WSDL介绍 11
2.4.4 UDDI介绍 11
2.4.5 Web Service介绍 11
3.SOA架构在仓库管理系统中的应用 13
3.1仓库管理系统的开发现状 13
3.2 SOA在仓库管理系统中应用的优点 14
3.3面向服务思想与传统的开发模式在仓库管理系统中应用的比较分析 14
4.基于SOA的仓库管理系统的设计与实现 17
4.1系统需求 17
4.2需求分析 17
4.3总体设计 19
4.3.1 Service树的构建 19
4.3.2模块划分 20
4.3.3系统模型 21
4.3.4开发设计工具 21
4.4模块实现 21
4.5数据库 25
4.6系统截图 26
结论与展望 28
5.1 SOA在仓库管理系统中的研究与应用总结 28
5.2 SOA发展展望 29
致谢 30
参考文献 31

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