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论文字数:14344,页数:34  有开题报告,任务书

 本文主要研究如何实现将描述学习对象元数据的XML Schema 映射到数据库关系模式。在本文中,为了克服了DTD本身所固有的缺点,使用XML Schema代替DTD描述学习对象元数据。描述学习对象元数据的XML Schema本身就是格式良好XML文档,通过解析这些文档,按照一定的映射规则在关系型数据库建立存放学习对象元数据的关系表,并通过主外键形式将其关联起来,符合该Schema的学习对象元数据就可以存入关系型数据库,以实现学习资源的高效检索和重用。
关键字:XML Schema,关系型数据库,远程教育,学习对象元数据
 The application of XML in sharing learning resources
 Network learning resources is the premise and basis of the network learing. With the network education’s expanding, the network increasingly has riched learning resources, And the effective management of the Distance learning resources has become the key of network education. Efficient storage management of all types of learning object and convenient and efficient access function for all users so as to enhance the efficiency targets has become critical especially.
 This paper mainly studies how to reflect the XML Schema using to describe learning object metadata to database model. In this paper, in order to overcome the DTD own inherent weaknesses, we use XML Schema instead DTD to describe learning object metadata. XML Schema using to describe learning object metadata in itself is a good format XML, by analyzing these documents, we create many tables to store learning object metadata in accordance with certain rules and relate them with the relevance of primary key and foreign key. The learning object resources for the Schema rules can be deposited into the relational database so as to the learning resources can be achieved the efficient retrieval and reuse.
 Keywords : XML Schema, relational databases, distance education, learning object metadata
摘要 I
目录 I
1 绪论 3
1.1 选题背景和目的 3
1.2 国内外研究现状 4
1.3 课题研究方法 4
1.4 论文组成 5
2 相关技术 6
2.1 学习对象元数据 6
2.1.1 学习对象定义 6
2.1.2 学习对象元数据的发展历程 6
2.1.3 学习对象元数据结构和分层 7
2.2 XML Schema 11
2.3 学习对象元数据的存储 13
3 模式映射规则 16
3.1 数据类型的映射 16
3.2 属性映射 18
3.3 元素映射 19
4 系统设计与实现 21
4.1 开发环境 21
4.2 系统设计 21
4.3 系统实现 23
结论 28
致谢 29
参考文献 30

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