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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/02/12


论文字数:8526,页数:47   附开题报告,源码

摘 要
Title: Design and implementation of the case management information system
KEY WORDS: Management information system; Database; Security; authority;C/S
TYPE OF THESIS: Software development
 This paper is mainly aimed at the Public Security Bureau in order to improve the case management, improve the case detection rate and quality, the development of case management information system for case management. This paper mainly from the Public Security Bureau needs and case management of practical problems, to carry out a detailed feasibility study, including the economic feasibility, social feasibility and technical feasibility, one one carried out a detailed analysis and design. The requirements analysis phase, draw the data flow diagram and the diagram. At the same time, the database analysis and design, to create the database tables, to establish a relationship between tables, as well as to create a user accessing the system form interface, the system menu design, data security and system call, the system test and so on. Finally, before the formation of the specific case management information system design and implementation.
 This paper is divided into five parts:
 The first part : the introduction mainly describes research significance and the research content and organization.
 The second part: demand analysis mainly elaborated the feasibility study and needs analysis.
The third part: summary of the system design mainly elaborated the system structure, determine the procedure by which modules.
 The fourth part : the system to achieve specific ( detailed design ) the detailed design of each module, to achieve the function needed by the algorithm and data structure.
 The fifth part: the system test: Test and the corresponding debugging the software meets a predetermined requirement.
 After three months of development, from the system analysis - a summary of the design and detailed design system implementation and operation, completed the" case management information system." case management, case management, case management, and identification of statistics, the basic information management, can be applied to practical management.

目  录
摘 要 V
目  录 IX
1 绪论 1
1.1 背景简介 1
1.2 案件管理系统的功能简述 1
2 需求分析 3
2.1 可行性研究 3
2.1.1 对现有系统的分析 3
2.1.2 新系统的功能及优势 3
2.1.3 可行性分析 4
2.1.4 软件开发环境 4
2.2 需求分析 5
2.2.1 业务流程调查 5
2.2.2 该系统中的数据输入、数据输出和数据存储调查 5
2.2.3 该系统中的组织机构图和管理职能图 8
2.2.4 案件管理信息系统业务流程分析 9
2.2.5 案件管理信息系统数据流程分析 10
3 系统设计 11
3.1 模块设计 11
3.2 数据库结构设计 13
4 系统实现 15
4.1 系统登陆 16
4.2 接报案件管理 18
4.3 案件鉴别管理 24
4.3.1 法医检验登记 25
4.3.2 痕迹检验登记 28
4.3.3 理化检验登记 28
4.4 送检案件管理 28
4.5 统计 29
4.6 基础信息管理 31
5 系统测试 33
5.1 功能测试 33
5.2 系统测试 34
5.3 测试结论 34
6 结论与展望 35
致    谢 37
参考文献 39

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