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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 16/01/28



摘 要
 随着社会的日益发展,尤其是科技的迅猛发展,使得我国各项事业得到了前所未有的突破,不仅提高了工作效率,而且也降低了劳动强度,美化了工作环境。随着计算机广泛地应用在科学技术领与的各个方面,在宾馆里也有广泛的应用。为了适应宾馆管理的需求,同时又大大减轻公司工作人员的工作量,全面提高对宾馆的管理效率及服务质量,本论文以My Eclipse为环境,开发了本应用软件,本系统适用于宾馆针对客房部分的管理。
 关 键 词:客户;My Eclipse;信息化管理;宾馆管理系统
 Title: Design of Hotel Management System
 With the increasing development of society, especially the rapid development of science and technology, making the cause of our country has been an unprecedented breakthrough, not only enhance the work efficiency, but also to reduce the labor intensity and beautify the working environment. With the wider application of computer science and technology in all aspects of the hotel also has a wide range of applications. In order to adapt to the needs of hotel management, but also greatly reduce the workload of the company staff, and comprehensively improve the management efficiency of the hotel and service quality, and I for My Eclipse environment, the development of this application software, the system is suitable for hotel rooms part of the management.
 Hotel information management is now involved in increasing the amount of data, and some hotels had to rely on additional human and material resources to carry out the hotel information management. However, the low efficiency of manual management, in order to adapt to the development of the times, improve work efficiency, and the establishment of a "hotel management system" through the computer information management for the hotel. Not only can be used for general information and maintenance, but also the information necessary to carry out a variety of mathematical statistics and analysis.
 Hotel Management System is based on the needs of hotel design, and it is used in information management, the system user-friendly design, the user will find easy to use. Help it to grasp the rooms in hotel management staff, the customer situation. Through the system, users can manage customer information, maintenance of a hotel room information, booking rooms, reservations, check-out all aspects of management information to facilitate understanding of the overall situation of students. Taking into account the application of network technology to promote and popularize, the system is now more popular, safe and reliable preparation of JSP language.

KEY WORDS: Client; My Eclipse; Information Management; Hotel Management System

TYPE OF THESIS: Design Report

目  录
1 前  言 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 论文研究主要内容 1
1.3 宾馆行业的国内外现状 2
2 关键技术介绍 3
2.1 JSP技术介绍 3
2.2 MVC模式概述 4
3 系统分析 5
3.1 宾馆管理需求分析 5
3.2 宾馆管理业务流程分析 5
3.3 宾馆管理数据流程分析 7
3.4 宾馆管理数据词典 9
4 系统设计 13
4.1 设计原则及具体功能划分 13
4.2 软件体系结构 13
4.3 宾馆房间系统详细设计 14
4.4 宾馆房间数据库概念设计 15
4.5 宾馆房间数据库物理设计 17
5 系统实现 20
5.1房间管理功能的实现 20
5.2 查看用户信息功能的实现 23
5.3 会员管理的实现 24
5.4 用户管理的实现 24
5.5 管理员登录的实现 25
5.6 个人信息管理的实现 25
5.7 房间信息修改功能的实现 27
6 系统测试 28
6.1 系统功能测试方法概述 28
6.2 功能测试 28
6.3 系统错误处理测试 29
6.4 系统安全性分析 29
7 结 论 30
致    谢 31
参考文献 33
附    录 35

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