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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/06



摘   要
汽车销售管理系统不但能使各业务环节协调一致,而且操作简单,账目清晰。通过账目查询,公司能在最短的时间内获得市场信息,从而制订相应的决策。因此,该系统主要根据实际需求,划分了售前管理、车辆管理、订货管理、查询管理、售后管理和系统设定六大模块,并选用Visual Studio .NET 2005开发工具和 SQL Server 2000数据库,采用B/S模式实现了从客户来访、报价、订购等多个环节数据的跟踪管理服务,基本上满足了汽车销售管理流程。

Design and Development of the Automobile Sale Management System
As people''''s living standards continued to improve, the demand for the automobile is growing fast. Many auto sales businesses are still using the traditional and manual accounting, it’s easy to lead the accounts error and chaos. It is not easy and always costs us much time to inquiries and statistics, which may be led company to serious circumstance. How to deal with these to make the company coordinated and efficient is the first problem should be solved.
Automobile sales management system not only helps the business with coordinated, but also operation simple, accounts clear. By query score, company can get the useful market information in the shortest time, so as to work out correct decision. Namely, the system is mainly based on actual needs. We divide it to six modules, including pre-sale management, automobile management, order management, search management, after-sale management and system set. We use Visual Studio.NET 2005 development tools, SQL Server 2000 database and B/S module to achieve the services about customer visit, Price, ordering and so on basically meeting the needs of automobile sales management processes.

Key words: Sale management; B/S model; Database; .NET

目  录

1 引言 1
1.1 系统开发背景及意义 1
1.2 系统目标 1
2 需求分析和设计 1
2.1 需求分析 1
2.1.1 系统需求 1
2.1.2 功能需求 2
2.1.3 运行需求 2
2.2 系统的功能模块设计 2
2.2.1 售前管理模块 3
2.2.2 车辆管理模块 3
2.2.3 订货管理模块 3
2.2.4 查询统计模块 3
2.2.5 售后管理模块 4
2.2.6 系统设定模块 4
3 系统解决方案 4
3.1 系统的解决方案 4
3.2 ASPNET/ style=text-decoration:underline;font-size:14px;color:#2B4DD5; target=_blank>ASP.NET简介 4
3.3 C#简介 4
3.4 SQL server 2000 简介 5
3.4.1 服务器组件 5
3.4.2 客户端工具 5
3.5 B/S结构 5
4 数据库设计 6
5 系统具体实现 8
5.1 用户登录模块设计 8
5.1.1 前台页面设计 9
5.1.2 后台功能代码 10
5.2 首页界面设计 11
5.3 售前管理模块的具体实现 11
5.3.1 添加客户信息 11
5.3.2 添加车辆信息 13
5.4 车辆管理模块的具体实现 15
5.5 订货管理模块的具体实现 16
5.6 查询统计模块的具体实现 18
5.7 售后管理模块的具体实现 19
6 系统测试 20
6.1 系统功能模块测试 20
6.1.1 售前模块功能测试 20
6.1.2 车辆管理模块测试 22
6.2 系统完善与优化 23
结    论 23
参考文献 24
致    谢 25
声    明 26

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