论文字数:12463,页数:38 有开题报告,任务书
关键词: 传感器网络;能量有效性;路由协议;NS2;能量二分;寿命
The Simulation and Implementation of Sensor
Networks’ Effective Working Life
Sensor networks are contemporary international issue of great concern , It can be widely used in the military, transportation, environmental monitoring and forecasting, health, space exploration and other fields. As each sensor'' energy load is limited,and it is difficult to add energy, how to extend the life of sensor networks becomes aney issue. The so-called sensor networks'' effective work life in this paper is the span of the first sensor node that deplets its energy. There are other explainations of networks’ effective working life,this paper will introduce them one by one.
Sensor networks'' actual work environment is not easy to the ideal state, and the actual work environment is very difficult to control to the perfection artificial . So this paper firstly introduces network simulation, and the main network simulator. This paper give Sensor networks'' definition of life as well as research of routing algorithm . Considering wireless sensor networks''characteristics of the transmitting and routing issues, obtian a more efficient algorithm.It introduces network simulation tools'' installation, configuration and using of the tcl,otcl, tclcl script language and makes practice of network simulator. After simulating wsn routing protocol it adds new protocol to it , and implements the sensor network'' Single-hop and multi-hop routing protocolon the energy unbalance simulation. Based on energy research and simulation, proposes a new assumptions of the energy consumption , that the combination the advantages of multi-hop and single-hop to extend the life of sensor networks.
Keywords: Sensor Network; Effective of Energy; Routing Protocol;NS2; Energy divide
1绪论 1
1.1课题的来源及研究意义 1
1.2 本文所作的主要工作 1
1.3 本文的结构 2
2预备内容 2
2.1 网络仿真 2
2.1.1 主流的仿真软件 2
2.1.2 五种仿真软件的比较 3
2.2 NS2的介绍 4
2.2.1 NS2的架构 4
2.2.2 NS2使用的基本流程 5
2.2.3 NS2的体系结构 5
2.3 什么是无线传感网(WSN) 6
2.3.1无线传感器网络体系结构 6
2.3.2无线通讯网络路由协议 6
2.4网络寿命的几种定义 7
3.路由协议的模拟实现 7
3.1 NS2的安装 7
3.1.1安裝cygwin 7
3.1.2安裝ns2 7
3.2 单跳协议的模拟 8
3.2.1 单跳的定义 9
3.2.2 模拟场景的设定 10
3.2.3 sink结点的定义 10
3.2.4创建sink nodes 11
3.2.5创建common nodes 12
3.2.6定义模拟参数 12
3.2.7建立相关档案 13
3.2.8设定连接 13
3.2.9结束模拟 14
3.3多跳协议的模拟 15
3.3.1多跳的定义 15
3.3.2模拟场景的设定 15
3.3.3 sink结点的定义 16
3.3.4创建sink nodes 17
3.3.5创建common nodes 17
3.3.6 定义模拟参数 17
3.3.7 执行模拟程序 18
4模拟结果的分析 18
4.1 模拟结果nam 的分析 18
4.1.1 单跳nam 的分析 18
4.1.2 多跳nam 的分析 19
4.1.3 两种分析的对比 20
4.2本章模拟结论 21
5能量二分法的路由模型 22
5.1能量二分的描述 22
5.1.1能量二分的提出 22
5.1.2 能量二分的路由路径 22
5.1.3能量二分的一般推导 23
5.2能量二分的实现 24
5.2.1创建sink结点 24
5.2.2创建普通结点 24
5.2.3指定要发送数据的sink结点 25
5.2.4 执行模拟程序 25
5.3网络寿命的分析 27
5.3.1网络寿命的比较 27
5.3.2模拟缺陷 27
结束语 28
致 谢 29
参考文献 30