Big Random Number Generator Algorithm Research and Implement
The big random number is used everywhere in modern society especially in the encryption technology. The random number is the key technology of the encryption.
This design mainly provides the request random number (1024) for 3rd Generation of mobile communication system. The way to provide the number is discussed in this article, and the Randomness test is discussed too. There are many ways to finish the task which are shown in this paper. We hope these techniques can be useful.
Key words: Random number; RSA; MD5; Encryption technology; Even line of examination
目 录
1 引言 1
1.1随机数的概念 1
1.2课题背景 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 1
1.4 本课题研究的意义 1
1.5 本课题的研究方法 1
2常见随机数生成方法简析 2
2.1 迭代取中法 2
2.2 乘同余法 2
2.3 混同于法 2
2.4 反变换法 3
2.4.1 平均分布 : 3
2.4.2 指数分布 : 4
2.4.3 正态分布随机变量的生成 : 4
2.5 离散型随机变量 4
3 随机数的检验 5
4 大随机数产生的机理 6
4.1 流程图 6
4.2 DES算法简介 7
5 算法实现 8
6 检验随机数 13
7 系统测试 14
结 论 16
参考文献 17
致 谢 18
声 明 19