关键词: MFC,动态数组,VC游戏开发
This paper is on "Tetris" game design and development. This game is mainly through the keyboard that allows users to key in controlling the rotation and falling objects moving and falling objects in space after landing a Consumers will determine whether, when reached a certain enter scores after the next Commissioner, or if the falling object Not falling, the end of the game. The game is mainly based on the MFC class library in the framework of the dialog above category, will have all the features of the package to this dialog above, the structure can be made very clear. Games used by the data structure is a dynamic two-dimensional array, all the rules-based algorithm for the implementation of this dynamic arrays are initiated. In the news familiar with the basic mechanism called GDI and a number of functions, to complete the interactive features keyboard shortcuts, and several features, enriching the content of the game. With equipment and the importance of environmental attributes of the plan is to achieve some basic knowledge of the game interface mapping.
Keywords MFC, Dynamic arrays, VC game development
摘要 I
第1章 引言 1
1.1 选题的目的 1
1.2 选题的背景和意义 1
1.3 研究的内容 2
1.3.1 主要内容 2
1.3.2 研究的范围 3
1.3.3 待解决的问题 3
第2章 游戏开发的基本介绍 4
2.1 开发工具与资料来源 4
2.2 MFC的基本介绍 4
2.3 GDI原理基础 6
2.3.1设备环境 6
2.3.2常用GDI绘图操作 8
2.4 本章小结 8
第3章“俄罗斯方块”游戏的开发与设计 9
3.1游戏功能描述 9
3.2框架的搭建 10
3.3游戏内部的实现 10
3.3.1算法设计 11
3.3.3正常流程的设计 20
3.3.4正常流程的实现(定时处理) 21
3.3.5中断操作流程的实现 25
3.4游戏区域绘图的实现 26
3.4.1位图资源的准备 26
3.4.2绘制机制设计 26
3.4.3绘制环境资源的初始化和释放 27
3.4.4游戏区域的绘制 27
3.5功能的完善 28
3.5.1 游戏背景音乐的实现 28
3.5.2工具栏快捷键的实现 29
3.6本章小节 29
第4章 结论 30
致谢 31
参考文献 32
附录1部分源代码 33