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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/06



摘  要
该系统主要根据实际的需求,以需求分析、系统的设计目标,并且重点进行系统功能模块的详细设计和实现,采用了Visual Studio .NET 2003开发平台和 SQL Server 2000数据库,实现了车辆信息管理、司机信息管理、线路信息管理和车辆分配线路管理等功能。在针对数据操作方面,主要通过存储过程的方式实现数据的添加、删除和查询等操作。通过系统测试,解决了公交车辆管理系统主要问题。

关键词: 管理系统;数据库;存储过程

The Design and Implementation of Bus Management System
Along with economical growing, the information century has already arrived and each kind of information trends to digitization and clearness in our life. As an important transportation tool in the modern life, the number of the bus is increasing and its type is no longer unitary. As well, the bus drivers are also increasing. These make the information management of the bus companies more complicated. Under such background, the bus management system controlled by the computers is put forward. It will help the bus company manage its buses, make the management of the bus, the bus routine and the driver more scientific and make proper use of the resources.
The system is based on the practical requirements, and aimed at the demand analysis and the systematical design. It emphasizes the details of design and implementation of the systematical function module. It’s development platform are Visual Studio .NET 2003 and SQL Server 2000 Database and implements many functions, such as vehicles information management, driver information management, routine information management, vehicle assignment line management. for database implementation, it mainly uses the storage procedure to implement the addition, deletion and inquiry. By the systematical test, it can solve the main problems in the vehicles management system.

Key words: Management system; Database; Storage  procedure

目  录

1 引言 1
1.1 信息管理系统简介 1
1.2 开发背景和意义 1
1.3 系统设计目标 1
2 需求分析 1
2.1 系统需求 1
2.2 功能需求 2
2.3 性能需求 2
3 系统开发相关技术 3
3.1 编程环境的选择 3
3.2 关系型数据库 3
4 总体设计 4
4.1 设计思想与处理流程 4
4.2 系统层次模块图 4
4.3 模块设计 4
5 数据库设计 5
5.1 ADO.NET综述 5
5.2 逻辑设计 5
5.3 存储过程 7
6 详细设计 8
6.1 登录模块 8
6.2 主操作界面模块 10
6.3 系统用户注册模块 11
6.4 车辆信息管理模块 12
6.5 司机信息管理模块 13
6.6 线路信息管理模块 15
6.7 车辆分配线路管理模块 15
7 系统维护和改进 17
7.1 运行维护 17
7.2 系统改进和提高 17
结    论 17
参考文献 18
致    谢 19
声    明 20

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